Here’s a page of beans. I think I struggle the most with bend its foreshortening. Any further feedback is appreciated!
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Level 1 attempt. I am hoping that I was on track for what this assignment was asking for. I think I should’ve slowed down a bit and thought through a plan with the blob instead of trying to jam a three point box into a 2D space at times. Any further feedback is appreciated
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I didn’t time myself for these. I’d estimate under 2min for each pose. I feel decent about it as it’s only my second time doing figure quick sketch. Probably should slow down and be more deliberate with my lines. Any further feedback is appreciated.
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A mixed submission. This project really melted my brain a bit for some reason. Perhaps it was messy line work, drawing too small, I’m not sure. I was torn between wanting to use more precise measuring and just using intuition. Not completely dissatisfied but certainly could use more practice and clearly need to vary the orientation of my boxes/cylinders.
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Level 1 Submission. This felt very challenging to do. I felt at times I may have forced myself to show all three sides of the box when it wasn’t necessary to. I feel as though many mistakes were made but I’m uncertain how to fix them. Hoping that the demo and critique videos help. Any feedback is appreciated.
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Level 1 Submission. I have a feeling I might need to redo this after watching the demo. I might attempt Level 2
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Level 1 submission.
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Level 1 Submission. During the assignment I felt myself focusing on proportions, finding rhythms/flow, and not just simplifying the contour. This was a challenge given not having any figure drawing experience. I felt as though I got better the more I did, had to stop a couple times to refocus myself. Any feedback is appreciated.
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Level 1 attempt. Any feedback is appreciated. It was interesting to look for the “flow” of the pose. Not thrilled about some of these, but it was a good digestible challenge.
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I feel as though it’s a level 1 attempt. Not sure how long it took but definitely over an hour. Done on 9”x12” paper.
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Level 1 Submission v2 after critique. I feel as though I grasped the assignment more in this attempt. Feedback is appreciated!
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Level 1 Submission. Not certain if this is done correctly. Perhaps too simple or not doing more building with shapes. Any feedback is appreciated.
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This was incredibly difficult for me, but I also believe it was very valuable. My biggest takeaways were how masters use subtle lines and shadow shapes. I appreciate any and all feedback. 1) Kerbcrawlerghost 2) Frank Frazetta 3) Sui Ishida
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Here is my level 1 attempt at the shadow/light method (hierarchy method in previous post) both of which are before the demo. Would greatly appreciate feedback on both in case I should do them over.
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Level 1 Rhino. Hierarchy of Importance. I have a feeling I may have confused this with Depth and Form by only making the front heavier?
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Level 2 Camel attempt, skipped Level 1 options.
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Attempt before demo. Starting from zero.
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