Lucas Nizari
Lucas Nizari
Lucas Nizari
Fun exercise! Two things sadly: 1. My sketch lines were to light so you couldn’t see them great on the picture. I thickened them up but it might look a bit to clunky 😅. 2. I tried to ink the boxes but notice inking is hard for me. My line quality gets punished (no way to hide my possibility for growth there xd) and when I miss the mark, I had to re-schoot my lines, but resulting in “strange thick lines” hopefully still gets the point across. Happy 100th!
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Lucas Nizari
@Marco Bucci you mention an interview in the first lesson but I don’t see it. Can you point me in the right direction?
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Lucas Nizari
After years of following, you finally was able to put in an assignment before the deadline! Thank you for all the inspiration! Mainly had trouble with the top cylinder, and noticed I was “winging it” more. the small one was just to get a feel for tanks
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Lucas Nizari
Interesting topic! Apologies if this had been asked a million times: is there an estimation on when the perspective course will be released? :). I really enjoy the logic/science/magic of it! And Marshall is an inspiring teacher!
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Lucas Nizari
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Lucas Nizari
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Lucas Nizari
4b,2b,2h with a hint of hb
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Lucas Nizari
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