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Dominik Zeillinger
added comment inenvironment feedback welcome :)
Hi @Jonas very good composition in my opinion. You guide the eye very good to the person standing on the rock and waving. The only thing I can suggest is to think about the shadows one more. I think the sun is standing very high on the right, so the shadows are short. The shadow of the rock needle has maybe another direction. Also the light on the Zeppelin makes maybe more shodow underneath and a shodow on the ground. and the rocks in the background may have more shadow on the floor? I tried to indicate my thoughts on a quick paintover. What do you think?

Oh yes, that makes sense! Thank you for your opinion =)
I m also not 100% convinced of my color palette. You ve any suggestions for this? Or you think I should keep it?
Dominik Zeillinger
Hi @Ghada Dudts Mzid , very nice. You are following the reference very close and are stylizing on the same time. Cool result! Maybe you could put some darker shadow on her right leg. And am not sure about the pattern on the skirt. You are stylizing it anyway, so maybe make it even easier and not that complicated?
Hello Dominik, Thank you so much for taking the time to review ! It makes a lot of sense to me, I'll apply that as soon as I get back on this drawing :D
Asked for help
Good morning everyone this is odun from Nigeria, I'm a beginner carricaturist and i did a Caricature of Tom cruise and I was wondering if you could give me your thoughts on this piece 🙏🏿 and thank you for your time
Hi @lawal2976. I think you captured his smile. And to be honest, I would not have recognized him as Tom Cruise. To give you a good feedback it would be helpfull to see, which reference you used to do your caricature. Did you use just one reference or more than one? I tried to find a picture of Tom Cruise, that could have been your reference (see the attached picture). Comparing it to your picture I want to highlight 3 points: 1. I think you got the earlopes wrong. They do not stand away from his head. Not in this reference and not in oter ones I have seen. 2. Tom has quite a big nose. In your caricature it is too small. 3. I see his eyebrows beeing straight lines and not curved.
But as said, it would be helpful to see your reference. And Tom Cruise is difficult to draw too...
I guess this is about as far as Ill take this one. I wasn't happy with my cross hatching in black lines so opted for adding soft shadow shapes of slightly darker values. On to the next attempt.
Comments and critiques welcome
Hi @stinkbean, I like how you are working on the theme. Just comparing this drawing with the other version of the same theme I like the other approach better. In this final approach the snake-lady is very stiff and the snaketail has tangent lines and is not clearly visible. In you other aproach there is much more dynamic in the lady and she is nearer to the warrier. And the snaketail is much clearer to see.
Dominik Zeillinger
Hi @ITAI WEINBERG , very cool drawing! Good pose, cool design, very good inking. Just a comment to the sword: This is not a good way to hold a sword. One "failure" is how your character places his hands on the sword handle, because they are too close together. Maybe this is not the sword of your hero? The sword handle seems to be too long too.
Your technical skills are already very strong. So I propose that you are studying more references to get some knowledge "behind the scenes". Most people will not care or notice subtle things like this, but there are always some nerds who will groan ...
Yeah you're correct, thank you for the great feedback! The part I always have trouble with is two handed weapons, because this is when to hands meet.
Happy to say I got a lot better at it
Steve Reaume
@Josh Sunga @Dominik Zeillinger @Sydnie Corey Thanks again for all your advice. I finally got to revisit this guy and here's where I'm at. I focused on improving the hero shot without needing to scrap the whole thing, but I took to heart the notes on experimenting with proportions for the character design itself.
Josh, I wanted to take your great design ideas and make them my own without copying them. As I looked over your paint-over, I noticed all the little improvements you made (horn shape design, the back arm silhouette etc.) and it was important to me that I didn't just copy what you did. I'm hoping I achieved that. Regardless, you've shown me many ways I can improve on my work and I'm grateful for it.
If there are any glaring problems with this one, I'd love to hate to hear about them. Otherwise, I'm ready to move on to the next.
Thanks again,
Dominik Zeillinger
HIi @Siqi
I am always struggling with composition on my own, so I maybe are not a big help... Your drawings are very rough. What is the main theme of your drawing? The water in the pool, or the waterfall? At the moment the falling water seems to be squeezed into the left corner. Deciding on the thing you want to make the focus point can help. Another thing: The sky and the water are very light, the rest of the landscape is dark. Light and dark take about the same area of your drawing. You could try to give the darks more space or the lights.
Thanks for your suggestions Dominik! I'm glad you noticed the roughness - it's what I'm trying to go for in my draft because I love rendering, and tend to get caught up in it early and then feel too invested to change things! You make an interesting point with the light and dark balance. Intriguing... I'm going to try to deviate from the reference more and try making the waterfall wider to see how that looks. Thanks again!
Dominik Zeillinger
Hi @Mariana Santos
well ... maybe ask just one question at a time? Concerning your silhouettes: I like time and do not see a problem. Just go on...
Account deleted
oh gosh, sorry! It's just that there are a lot of questions, you know? :')
Thank you for your answer ^^ it makes me more confident
Dominik Zeillinger
Hi @taz there is one thing I want to point out: Your characters have nice variety in clothing. But nearly all of them have the same hight and body-shape. I think you should try to include also some smaller, taller, thicker and thinner charakters.
Dominik Zeillinger
Hi @Atharva Lotake I like the different darknesses of grey in your picture. Nevertheless I think it would be better to remove the mountain behind the castle to make it stand out even more. For me the damages are not visible enough. I think you should try to make the damages more visible in the sillhouette of the castle. There is this destroyed tower on the left. Maybe make it a taller and let us see the bricks. At the moment it could be a rock. And is the figure in the front a centaur? If not I propose that you also draw the head of the horse.