Thien Minh Pham
Thien Minh Pham
Activity Feed
Thien Minh Pham
I really need feedback on mine I do find it hard to identify the shadow and light.
Thien Minh Pham
My first blind attempt and some criticism I see that I might have done wrong.
Thien Minh Pham
Gannon Beck
Good stuff!
Thien Minh Pham
My Attempt of the project! Any tips help!
Martha Muniz
Looking good! Just watch that the curvature around the edges doesn't get too flattened, especially around the goat's face. Otherwise, very good work, and superb line quality too! :)
Thien Minh Pham
here is mine attempt of 1 min and 5 min 10 pose.
Thien Minh Pham
My attempt! What can I improve
Thien Minh Pham
This is my attempt. It so hard~ but I kinna enjoy it I still struggling with long straight line it also take me too long I assume to do this project it took me an hour. I don't know if that is too long. I just use the idea of the car and change it position. I tried be creative with the wheel by turning it. Turn out it quite above my capability lol. And tips and advice is greatly Appreciate!
Thien Minh Pham
here is mine little attempt pre demo. What can I improve? I especially have problem with picture 3 the line is blurry I dont understand it any help would be great. I have a little critic for myself too, but i don't know if the critic is right.
Melanie Scearce
I think the issue with #3 is that we see the top of the head instead of the bottom of the chin, which is more visible in this pose. This is how I would draw it. Hope that helps!
Thien Minh Pham
I thought drawing straight line as long I connect the dot it would be easy. Turn out my hand still too shaky even after the warm up ensure that I draw proper straight line. anything I need to consider next time? any feedback help thanks a lot!
Melanie Scearce
It's difficult! You did a great job with the horizon line, but the lines of the wall tilt a bit to the left, giving the whole room small lean. Try to keep the horizontal lines as parallel to the horizon line as possible.
Thien Minh Pham
I feel like a lot of my issues is stem from I dont understand the proportion of the body yet. a lot of the pose is quite hard to see the flows all the bump and muscle make some lines blurry. How do i improve this what did i do wrong?
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are looking great! I would say you just need more mileage. Keep drawing and practice gesture. Your little notes will help you learn faster too.
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