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Dave S
added comment inYoni Figure Drawing Timelapse
Asked for help
This is my long study for the figure drawing course. Made some critical errors, mainly I worked way too small, he’s like 7” tall. But learned a lot and was good to work traditional for a change. Critiques would be super helpful. Thanks!
Dave S
Asked for help
Think I was a bit off on my measurement lines . Should have used a ruler. Still a good exercise.
Dave S
Asked for help
My notes on proportions. I was able to do about 70% from memory, then rewatched the video, fixed a couple things and added the measurements I missed.
Dave S
Asked for help
This was super difficult for me. Felt like I didn’t get the angle of the legs and feet right on the exaggerated pose. Critiques welcome.
Dave S
Asked for help
Did one study of a runner and another where I improvised the legs to make a standing figure off balance.
Dave S
Asked for help
Definitely need to work on my twists and clean up my lines. Need to do like a thousand more of these. Great exercise though. I couldn’t have drawn this a couple weeks ago beyond copying the contours of the photo.
Dave S
Asked for help
My Robo beans. I did the first set, then watched the critique vid, then did the second set with a little more data in my brain.
Dave S
Asked for help
I took notes then tried to find the landmarks on some reference images. I’m having a hard time seeing the scapula and all the bumps of the knee. Felt like I was guessing too much. Would love any feedback or help here. Thanks!