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A mixture of Level 1 and 2. I did most of these with overhand grip, tripod grip, and a mix of both. Had a lot more fun with overhand than I thought and had more time on the timer thanks to that, def will try again with shorter times. Any feedback is welcome!
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This is both level one and two project. The first two are from photo reference and last two imagination. The last two were a challenge. Working without reference was difficult yet I think I made a few good seals here. any feedback would be appreciated and helpful. Thank you!
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Attached is the level one project. This was a challenge, measuring isn’t my favorite method as I feel eyeballing it works well for me. This did push me to try other methods. Any feedback is welcomed!
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Attached is the level one and level two project. Also included the reference photos. Any feedback is welcomed. Really tried to explore different animals and shapes and staying in line with limiting the amount of shapes was a bit difficult but I feel I did well. This was overall fun and will do again!
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Well I have a lot to unpack with this one. I was a bit scared and hesitant to do this challenge but I knew that's exactly why I need to attempt it. I chose a tiger because it's beautiful and majestic and also my favourite animal. And also because I haven't drawn big cats before and I really want to learn. For start I did a few observation sketches to get familiar with how tigers are built and I also tried to draw it a bit stylized and from different angles. These are sketches 1-4. Then I did my first study from imagination (5, 6) - for some reason I really like when big cats bow their head down so you can see the shoulder blades of the front paws on the top and with the angle I went for I could also practice a bit of foreshortening. I'm not entirely happy with it (mainly the back legs with which I really struggled, and I also think the head could use some work for it to look more like a tiger - besides all the anatomy problems of course) but for the first tiger study I think it came out decent. For the main imagination sketch I really wanted to draw a cub tiger with a butterfly on its snot. Now I know if you draw human children you emphasize the big eyes, big head in relation to the rest of the body and big cheeks so I tried to apply that to the tiger cub (sketches 7, 8) but It didn't quite look right (specially number 8 looks like a house cat more than a tiger cub). So I decided to study how Aaron Blaise stylizes big cats which helped me immensely. So number 9 is my assigment piece. While working on it I got a bit caried away and cleaned a bit too much for this exercise but I was having too much fun to not do it, so the clean version is number 10. Any critiques are appreciated :)
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Love the exploration of ideas. Seeing the process of how you got to the final really shows thought and follow through I dig this alot!
Gergely Vörös
After some observational sketches, I drew a pose from imagination. I finished the design digitally, because I made many changes to it. It took a long time to finish, but here it is.
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Awesome job on the final. The sketches before are a little hard to see, would love to see more exploration of how you got to exaggerate the teeth and eyes.
My idea was a Tiger cub trying to bite a big rubber ball. I did a lot of redrawing which I ended up erasing for visibility. But I tried to capture some of my sketch process.
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Love the prop interaction, it really brings it to life very well done!
Listed below is the drawing from imagination. This was a challenge for sure. Just recognizing the anatomy and overall shapes to become familiar and then be ready to twist and change. Included is the reference photos studies, final and better final.
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Listed below is my studies for the line master project. I studied the work of Sean Gordon Murphy, known for his Batman: White Knight series. I always felt his lines were so expressive and had so much personality. Most of these are panels from that series so please pardon the cropped nature of some of these and use of “x” to indicate this would be a shaded area. Any feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
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Listed below is the level one and level two assignments. This was def a challenge as I feels line personally is hard to differentiate at times but any feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
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