Lig ma
Lig ma
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Lig ma
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Lig ma
Any critiques would be appreciated
Sricharan Narayanan
My first ever self-portrait. Traditional A5 Watercolor. Would love some criticism. Duo-color.(red and blue)
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Lig ma
nice color choices. got like a nice cola vibe to it
Lig ma
here are my submisssions. Unfortunately I couldn't find their respective references 😓.
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Lig ma
Firstly, what anime are you watching right now ? Secondly, it’s best if you first take the traditional approach. Learn the structure and proportions of the head and features. Then it’s just a matter of manipulating that structure to accommodate the anime style.
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Lig ma
Hello, it is I once more. I made a jellyfish man with psychic powers holding a gun in one hand and using his powers to telekinetically hold a smol sword (contradicts logic, but yeah). Altho, most people are saying it looks like a "vengeful" male genitalia. Made with black ballpoint pen on journal paper.
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Lig ma
I am open to any critiques on this piece. It would help
Dheeraj R
Hii Here's my submission to this challenge. The "Jelly Bot"
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Lig ma
Love the sleek design of the armor. Especially the rendering. I'd say work on your figure drawing cuz either u didn't have the knowledge to make different poses or what, but there's nothing much happening in the pose. Also, check ur structure too cuz some parts are made 2d. Overall the design iz neat, reminiscent of star wars. But ig u need the tools to make it the way you probably imagined it. I can see ur an artist in works so don't stop (ofc if u get burnout, that's a different case)
Hamka Praja
Hi! Here is my Submission For the Proko Challenge. Here I make the alien thingy creature from the reference images. and add a little bit of background data for it. I Like designing new creature like this, I am very happy to join this event. hope you like it!
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Lig ma
Duuude, this looks epic
This is my entry for September's Proko challenge hope you guys like it😊
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Lig ma
Very interesting form design
Lig ma
What's your character design process? What's your main focus when making a character ? I'm interested in the field but been too scared of it ? What do I need to know ?
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Lig ma
What do you do when you hit a pitstop in your c. designs ? Like when u can't just make a character that is interesting ?
You know why we have not found any LIFE on MARS yet? Its because they live UNDERGROUND! these creatures have been living under the crust of mars even before the first human ever existed. During that time they evolved to become the best diggers of the galaxy .Using the ample Iron, Silicon and Energy available in Mars they have developed their technology to the point that they are now ready to rule other civilizations and become an interplanetary species.....Will we be able to FIGHT them away? or...become their SLAVES FOREVER? Only time will tell..... . . Made an illustration of a martian creature running to find some living beings on Earth while his other friends are in the sky waiting to land and join him. The picture with the unique and amusing structure was the one that really inspired me to go in this direction I just had to include it...then used the other references to flesh out the sketch and story more. Hope you liked it!
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Lig ma
If u could've y'know, made the clouds as huge forms, that'd add to the reality a bit, tho this is just my opinion.
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