Patrick Hynes
Patrick Hynes
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Patrick Hynes
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Patrick Hynes
Week 3. I always thought it funny that drummers refer to the thing they sit on as a throne. And that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the assignment.
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Patrick Hynes
Week 2: O ellipse, you vex me so.
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Patrick Hynes
Week 1: Fire hydrant, toy car, backpack, log cabin, instrument, playground, blaster.
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Patrick Hynes
Ginger root Kai Havertz and Pete Townshend loosely from reference.
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Patrick Hynes
I started on another creature from reference, but didn't have time to finish. So, I'm posting what I have now. Will work on it some more over the weekend.
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Patrick Hynes
Level 2 projects. One is from direct observation of people at my daughter's softball game. The other is from a reference photo of two footballers pretending to play darts. Is it just me or does the guy on the left look a lot like Stan?
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Patrick Hynes
Level one. Some of the blobs got kind of erased when I was cleaning up my lines.
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Patrick Hynes
Level 1 jeep. The spare tire came out kind of too big, but I figured it's not that important for this project. This was like my fourth attempt at it. I kept getting lost in a soup of construction lines and couldn't get the drawing to come together. For this one, I ended up drawing it from the bottom up. That is drawing the wheels first then the body on top of that then the spare. That seemed to help.
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Patrick Hynes
Level 1 and 2 - heads 9, 11 and 15. I struggled to get the features of the heads to line up with the boxes. Especially getting the center line of the head to match up w/ the center line of the box. I'm going to try this again after the level 2 demo comes out.
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