Mon Barker
Mon Barker
Bergen, Norway
Activity Feed
Following along with the master.
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Mon Barker
Nice 👍
Mon Barker
Had another stab at the treehouse having watched the demo. I’ve always just started drawing with an image in my head that I want to get on paper, which evolves as I get ideas whilst drawing until a satisfactory result or utter frustration as my skill level fails me. Bolting on the experimentation phase at the beginning seems a really neat way to start from a better foundation/solving the big problems.
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Mon Barker
Ran out of time for this one so these ended up a bit rushed. Level 1 no numbers, level 2 numbered. I could not for the life of me figure out the red starred one from imagination in level 1 …meant to be right tilt of entire torso, slight back bend of upper torso (so foreshortened) and twist of upper torso; left shoulder forward, right shoulder back…for level 2 it often took two attempts so I included the fail and attempted corrections
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Mon Barker
I think I went a bit far with the detail for these but it was good to practice all the perspective concepts toward a more finished drawing. Seems like all the mistakes leap out (like an angry werewolf) when you look at the photo you are about to post….why don’t I see them when I’m drawing?!!
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Mon Barker
Yo Stan! Thanks for the critiques. Biceps gingeroot bodybuilder looks more like he’s on the toilet?!! My wife said same 😭😭. Still some way to go with my concept execution then!! 😁 happy to hear they look 3D though. This was a great project 👍
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Mon Barker
Bodybuilder ginger-root men….I think I may have discovered the origin of the synthol aesthetic….
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Mon Barker
My Ginger Root People with reference poses
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Mon Barker
Very nice shapes and line quality, and nice translations from the refs into ginger-root folk 👍
Mon Barker
Some ‘bonny’ sea creatures. And a monkey-piglet hybrid thing….🤔
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Mon Barker
Found this a much lower threshold way to invent figures from imagination - lets you work systematically from the head to the feet without agonizing too much over shape design, anatomy etc. The blob is just an initial placeholder, the boxes then become perspective guides and hint at proportions… Would the idea be that with the mannequinised figures formed of boxes in perspective, you’d then make the effort with shape design, anatomically realistic forms etc to evolve the figure?
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Mon Barker
Thanks for the critique Stan! And great to hear your comments on everyone’s project submissions - really reinforces all the topic learnings as always 🤓👍
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