Assignment: Ideation
Assignment: Ideation
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Assignment: Ideation


Assignment: Ideation



Fill up a sheet or digital canvas with brainstormed ideas. Be sure to leave notes in there to make your thought process clear. You don’t have to go as crazy as I do with this stuff, but I’m encouraging you to give it a try and see what happens. I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised at your results. I'll be looking at the comments to see what you post, and some of these will make it into a video critique.

Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
Here is my ideation I did in PS. I ended up with two characters I want to develop. Vincent Vine who is in fact a wooden frame with vines growing on it and wearing a farmers overall and a bulky dude who‘s name is „Sooow“ because he catches water with a bucket over him. By pulling the rope the bucket waters his whole body with more seeds in it. He also is pulling a plow so he can rip the seeds out of himself and put it into the fresh soil. He also is growing by watering himself. I was using the theme „seeds“ for harvestman so the heads are mostly different kinds of seeds.
Richard Featherstone
3 years late to the party but I am really enjoying this process. It doesn’t look like anyone is really active here but I’ll post anyway.
Patrick Bosworth
These look AWESOME! Great explorations, the Pumpkin Crawler, and Skeeto/Snail/Skull nest hybrid are a lot of fun! Can't wait to see more!
Bruno Sturm
Hi Scott, I'm very excited about the course. I have a background in Graphic Design, but I've always loved illustration. The prior study to the project always makes the final piece better. I really like your approach of associating words and themes. I feel that in these first attempts I might have gotten a bit stuck on some concepts and perhaps didn't define the objective very well. What do you think?
Hello! Happy to be doing this course. I took my sweet time with this one. I was surprised at how difficult I found coming up with my seed was. You can probably see where I started to really engage with the process. In either case, these are my Yard (as in Scrapyard) Golems! All powered by human hearts! I'm going to spend some more time on ideation sheets before I move on to the next phase of the course. My idea (based off of the critique videos) is to pull a few of these I like and push them further with their own sheets. I will say once this process started to click - and once I was willing to make it my own - I think it really started to work for me. Plus I started bringing draw small for big ideas and filling in profiles into my sketchbook as well!
Baptiste Desvaux
Thanks for the course, this is very helpfull ! I tried the first exercice but there was too much different ideas and I've lost focus... The final idea is GMO plants became parasites that infect the fauna to take revanche on the humans.
Cody Brisco
Just got your course a few days ago, really enjoying it. Love seeing your Kaijune work on Instagram. Here are my takes on Harvestmen.
Here is my ideation sheet. I know I spent too much time in details rather than keeping things simpler but I tend to fall in love with my creatures. Thus I would always like to refine and also paint them. The real problem is that I don't succeed to draw a really scary worm... they always turn out to be pretty dumb! I'd love some feedback @Scott Flanders
Here is my ideation sheet. I know I spent too much time in details rather than keeping things simpler but I tend to fall in love with my creatures. Thus I would always like to refine and also paint them. The real problem is that I don't succeed to draw a really scary worm... they always turn out to be pretty dumb! I'd love some feedback @Scott Flanders
James Connolly
Part 2, couldn’t fit the entire page and was having too much fun
James Connolly
just signed up, but enjoying it so far @Scott Flanders
Andrew Schlageter
so @Scott Flanders, has me anxiously excited for this course and to explore character design. Here's my first assignment. I picked a "multi-organism monster" prompt that would allow me to explore concepts and silhouettes a bit outside of my comfort zone, while being within my own cryptic taste. I wanted to explore certain themes that would have me thinking of different dynamics where multiple creatures come together to function as one. I had fun with this, but fear I may have taken this in a non-beneficial direction. First off, I'm concerned that the precedents that first came to mind were a bit too obscure, either in their entirety or in the way I executed them visually, rather than creating unique versions of architypes. My second concern is that the diversity of ideas is too broad and that the prompt "multiple organism" isn't strong enough visually to make them seem unified under the same concept. Other than that, I'm also not completely satisfied with my layout, as I see it is filled with potential tangents and clumps at a point to the left. I was hoping to organize the visual notations in a way that would take the viewer in a transition across the page but I did not plan that too well and was a bit lost in generating relating ideas. I know I'm not supposed to use too much judgement but hey, I'm all for improvement at this point in my life. A bit of background, I graduated from a tech school in Illustration back in 2019. Long term, I aspire to be a character designer. And even if I don't wind up in entertainment art, I still want to learn and strengthen my fundamentals as I love drawing narrative scenes with expressive, convincing characters and environments. I am also taking Fundamentals of Character Design and Figure Drawing Fundamentals.
Mustafa K
Hey! @Scott Flanders Thoroughly enjoying the lectures as well as the assignments and the process Here I've explored a sea monster theme inspired by Magic the gathering artworks Would love some feedback on the designs and advice on what to do next Thanks :)
Ireneusz Paszkiewicz
Hey guys! Coming a little late to the game but I really love the course so much! This are my rough idea-generation sketches. I was trying to create a group of characters that I called the Forest Constructs. They are the undead plant - folk. The Great Forest is using bodies of the fallen men as a fertile soil and creates new organisms. This way they get a new life and become the forest defenders.
Charles Horton
Hi, recently got an abundance of free time, and figured I'd try to catch up on this course. All my creatures are inspired by the HP Lovecraft story Shadow Over Innsmouth. The story consists of people living in a small fishing town being forced to breed with the "Deep Ones". Sentient beings that exist in the darkest corners of the ocean, predating the humans of the surface. The result is offspring who develop characteristics of the Deep Ones over time.
Steve Lioy
Here is my assignment. I was aiming towards sea creatures but started integrating the weapons into the character instead of it being an accessory. So I revised it as I went along. I also wanted to keep going toward mech but it seemed to be clashing with the organic of the non mech creatures. I’ll fill up a few more of these pages. Working on a 11x14 “ Bristol pad.
John Breedy Jr
Hello Scott, This has been a great procedural adjustment for me. I used 9x12 (I have vision issues that limit my peripheral) newsprint. It helps to post because it frees up the doubt from never feeling something is good enough and allows me to access my creativity again. I look forward to hearing from you! Also what are realistic expectations for production when you are working on a project. How many sheets/ideas do they typically look for on a daily or weekly basis, and what is the typical time devoted to each iteration of a concept.
Ricardo Campos
Hello! Sorry I'm late! Gotta say, never tried this before but i loved it, I feel like i could go on mixing ideas for hours and hours! This 2 took me around 4h. At 1st I was thinking of a bulky piece of matter mixed with fungus and plants, then it evolved, i noticed that humanoid features makes things more relatable and at the same time creepier, so I went there. Is it here we are supposed to post so we can get some feedback @Scott Flanders ? This is for the 1st assignement. Sorry for any errors on my writting, I'm portuguese and I do not write in english a lot.
Garry Gray
Dang man , you got some skills! Could see these designs being in a game. Looks professional!
Garry Gray
Took some of my designs I liked on my other page and pushed them even farther. Have like a big boss dude with a sidekick who protects/helps him by staying on his body, surfacing. Went with the harvest man idea but with my own touches :) Had a lot of fun with this!
Ricardo Campos
Really like it mate, even the way you draw it works pretty well.
Late to the party, but really digging this so far
Garry Gray
Nice Work ! I really dig the one that is like an ape with a skull. Pretty cool.
Loving the course, @Scott Flanders ! First time seriously designing creatures/characters - Had a really tough time, but it was super fun. I drew up some demon gangsters. Would love for some feedback! Am I on the right track?
Scott Flanders
Hey Chaoclypse. You're definitely on the right track. Your ideas are pretty fun so far. But I'd recommend doing 3-4 times that many. Keeping the drawings small and focusing less on interior details, and focusing more on your silhouettes. Think of it as an exercise. I want you all to become significantly more sensitive to the ways you're using shape to communicate. Try something for me will ya? Go back and fill in those character sketches until they are effectively pencil silhouettes and then take a step back to evaluate them. Let me know what you discover. Good luck. Glad to have you participating in the course.
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About instructor
Chief Creative Officer at Little Bang Inc. I'm especially passionate about character design, creature design, and sculpting.
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