Cody Brisco
Cody Brisco
Activity Feed
Cody Brisco
Here is some more ideation on my Harvest-men. I tried to further my thematic focal points by exploring alternative variations I could give to my characters. Again, the word harvest evoked a lot of familiar imagery for me because growing up in CenCal I was surrounded by a lot of harvesting/manufacturing equipment. Hope you enjoy viewing these and any feedback would be very appreciated.
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Cody Brisco
Tried to stick to the Harvest-man theme but from more of a Harvest equipment angle. Would love to get some constructive feedback on how you think my design, shape/line usage, could be improved, or if I ‘“min/maxed”, enough. Hope you enjoy looking them over.
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Cody Brisco
Just got your course a few days ago, really enjoying it. Love seeing your Kaijune work on Instagram. Here are my takes on Harvestmen.
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Cody Brisco
Any books that you would recommend for creature design?
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