Ricardo Campos
Ricardo Campos
I am currently studying Graphic Design but what I really love is concept art.
Activity Feed
Garry Gray
Not sure in my last post I put it in the right section , still pretty new to Proko. Thought the comments and assignments were going to be merged. My bad for posting this image twice. Was hoping for some feedback:) I kept pushing these designs of mine on pages . I chose 5 and even pushed them more. Hopefully looking not too crazy ,haha. I got a heaving , one that does magic and even minions with four arms that walks on them with other cast of characters. I dig the pumpkin harvest so much so went with that idea. This is such a great class! Btw look at my previous post for more thought process and ideas with writing and thumbnails. Thanks
Ricardo Campos
That number 3 stands out for me man! And the 4 evolution also gives me a funny villain vibe!
Ricardo Campos
This is the 1st one I decided to push a bit further, it's a hulking fungus monster who uses the faces of previous victims to lure humans and to consume them. I'll be posting the rest on a few days, had an unexpected trip that is delaying me . Really cool to see the variety of styles people can do.
Andre Camargo
Hey Ricardo, the shapes look great. Bulky and heavy and mean :) Nice idea with the head on top!
Wiktor Budzinski
I am in the midst of moving from Europe to the US so I did not have much time to draw. I am posting my first monster just in case the critique is around the corner 😉 I will work on the next four in the next two weeks and post them as a comment here 👇 This is the Cow of Doom, a tank class character in my party 🐮🐮🐮 Recently I really started to like stylized characters, so I tried to embrace that! Hope it worked out! Feedback is welcomed!
Ricardo Campos
This is awesome!
Damien Dederichs
Hello everyone. Here are the next parts for the "farmers controlled by plants character designs". Pages 4,5 and 6 are part of the ideation process for the 3 selected characters for this assignment. The actual assignment is on page number 7. Thank you again Scott for the first assignment video, I tried to take it into account as much as I could considering the time I had. Have all a nice day and thank you again.
Ricardo Campos
It's like Plants vs Zombies - REVENGE OF THE PLANTS!
Andrea Rubbini
Looking at the assignments of other students I realized there was an opportunity to study their work and try to do better with mine. I went ahead and redesigned the whole team, and I think I learned a lot from the amazing works posted here! This is the Leader, with massive HP and immune to Ambush. I'll share the rest of the team in this post to avoid spamming the chat.
Ricardo Campos
This is fun mate! Nice!
Ricardo Campos
Hello! Sorry I'm late! Gotta say, never tried this before but i loved it, I feel like i could go on mixing ideas for hours and hours! This 2 took me around 4h. At 1st I was thinking of a bulky piece of matter mixed with fungus and plants, then it evolved, i noticed that humanoid features makes things more relatable and at the same time creepier, so I went there. Is it here we are supposed to post so we can get some feedback @Scott Flanders ? This is for the 1st assignement. Sorry for any errors on my writting, I'm portuguese and I do not write in english a lot.
Garry Gray
Dang man , you got some skills! Could see these designs being in a game. Looks professional!
Garry Gray
Took some of my designs I liked on my other page and pushed them even farther. Have like a big boss dude with a sidekick who protects/helps him by staying on his body, surfacing. Went with the harvest man idea but with my own touches :) Had a lot of fun with this!
Ricardo Campos
Really like it mate, even the way you draw it works pretty well.
Ricardo Campos
Hey @Scott Flanders, really happy I could buy your course! Do we get reviews or comments on our assignments? Thank you so much!
Scott Flanders
Hey Ricardo, thanks for participating in the course. The answer to your question is yeah! However I won't be recording another feedback video for Assignment #1: Ideation for a while. Not until we've gone through at least one entire round of critique videos for the remainder of the assignments in the course. However I will give you written feedback for your assignments here on the site. If you'd like your work to be addressed in the next video critique all you have to do is submit your work in the assignments channel when we announce that it's time to do so. The next critique video will likely be recorded sometime this month. So you have some time. Pace is pretty chill while we're ramping up. Good to have you man :)
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