Garry Gray
Garry Gray
Love games and animation. I enjoy learning character design, digital sculpting and digital painting. I'm hoping to get a job with it one day!
Activity Feed
Garry Gray
Here's my work from the course so far. Shading in pencil is so much fun but challenging. These were done mostly on my iPad. They are digital. I tried my best and I will keep practicing. I hope you guys like them ! . :) Btw I did try some experimental stuff as you see, especially when I was using tone paper. I did try designing a bit because I didn't want to copy the instructor's work exactly.
Garry Gray
Garry Gray
Asked for help
Trying my best. This is very fun but challenging. I also did some experimenting with tone paper. All these were done digitally, mostly on my ipad. I did some designing as well because I didn't want to copy the instructor exactly. I hope ya dig em. :)
Lynx B.
I watched the trial lesson and drew along using my drawing tablet. It is very fun! I love shading!
Garry Gray
Amazing shading! I am strongly considering this course! I want to improve my creature drawings. Shading wise mostly.
Garry Gray
Garry Gray
Asked for help
@Marco Bucci not sure how to post or get your attention. Thought I would try this too. I haven't been on Proko in a long time. Still trying to figure out things. If you see my other post, I tagged you in it too with more info. Looking for Feedback so.
Garry Gray
@Marco Bucci Here is a study following along in the Krita tutorial. Any feedback would be great, thanks! I really enjoyed this. Mine looks more like a dog than a dragon, lol. Credit to Marco Bucci for the original concept. I'm excited now for the Procreate painting tutorial and some homework ideas :)
Marco Bucci
That's looking good! Nice approach with the tactile-looking brushwork. From here I'd look at refining your shapes. The silhouette shape looks fine; it's more the inside shapes - little value changes that all equal various shapes - that could use more attention, which would then punch up the graphic quality and appeal of the finish. Thanks for checking out the class!
Nikolai Halliwell
Digital painting isn't as hard as I thought. Thanks Marco!
Garry Gray
Very nice brushwork! Did you use one of the softwares Marco suggested ?
Garry Gray
Not sure in my last post I put it in the right section , still pretty new to Proko. Thought the comments and assignments were going to be merged. My bad for posting this image twice. Was hoping for some feedback:) I kept pushing these designs of mine on pages . I chose 5 and even pushed them more. Hopefully looking not too crazy ,haha. I got a heaving , one that does magic and even minions with four arms that walks on them with other cast of characters. I dig the pumpkin harvest so much so went with that idea. This is such a great class! Btw look at my previous post for more thought process and ideas with writing and thumbnails. Thanks
Ricardo Campos
That number 3 stands out for me man! And the 4 evolution also gives me a funny villain vibe!
Garry Gray
Ok so here's more pushed characters of mine. The sketches are the new ones based off the colored. Not sure if I pushed the designs too far . Things got a tad crazy ,haha. Chose 5 I really liked and gave them more of an edge. I drew a bit of the same process as Scott Flanders, only I drew them mostly digitally. Rough light gesture sketch , came in with darker lines and drew more anatomy . Then filled with a base shade of grey , flats. Then added a shaded block in with darker grey shading. Last , I went over the sketch and darken the lineart , outlines. Hopefully they read well. Loving class! Learning a lot. Btw if you want more of a description on them, feel free to see my previous posts :) Wrote a decent amount of stuff.
Ricardo Campos
Hello! Sorry I'm late! Gotta say, never tried this before but i loved it, I feel like i could go on mixing ideas for hours and hours! This 2 took me around 4h. At 1st I was thinking of a bulky piece of matter mixed with fungus and plants, then it evolved, i noticed that humanoid features makes things more relatable and at the same time creepier, so I went there. Is it here we are supposed to post so we can get some feedback @Scott Flanders ? This is for the 1st assignement. Sorry for any errors on my writting, I'm portuguese and I do not write in english a lot.
Garry Gray
Dang man , you got some skills! Could see these designs being in a game. Looks professional!
Garry Gray
@Scott Flanders Hey Just kinda finishing up on your ideation part assignment, generating ideas and brainstorming on paper and was wondering if I could get some feedback please :). I took on the Harvest Man idea(thought it was so cool) but add my own twist/ideas. Some on paper and some digital. I'm more of a painter than into drawing but you need ideas of characters I agree to what you wanna paint though. This part I would think is essential for a successful character to render I see. Making eye catching characters grabs people's attention, a good design /idea. As you see especially on the heavy/bruts on page 2 (labeled them on the pages), At first I went from something average, to out of the box if you look closely. Pumpkins coming out of his body with tugging on chains around his neck and arm, maintaining the beast. Also a sidekick that surfaces and fights a long the monster. I kept pushing the designs farther and farther. Like 4 variations of bruts and did this with several characters. Spent like 4 or 5 days on this. Btw loving fun!
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