Full-time Software Developer, Amateur Painter
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Here are the eggs, I'll put the portrait lighting practices in the replies
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Did 15, but that made the image a little too big to post in its entirety anywhere
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I think I misunderstood the assignment when starting out. I was trying to be too faithful to the original. By the last (and most purple) one, I started stylizing the lighting and colors
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I feel like there was some good progress made by the end
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I felt a lot of growth going on from this exercise/section
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I've finished up this assignment. Though I feel like i could use with more practice, I was definitely bleeding steps into each other. All the rubbing out ended up happening on the line art layer.
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I misunderstood the epic mode, did roughly 3-4 30-90 minute paintings of each topic. I figured doing the epic mode might help me get more out of hard mode, so I'll be doing those shortly.
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I think it did help. I also feel that I need to practice mouths more
I don’t see the brushpack…can someone help me?
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Its on the overall course page: 1. Click "Med's Map" under this video's title 2. Click the "Downloads" tab, under the trailer video 3. The brushpack is the second to last download link. Hope this helps!
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This was super cool, I can see how this approach could be useful to learn how to draw all kinds of things.
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Got burnt out part way though the 15 invented skulls, so I took some time away and things went better. All in all, lots of practice juggling the hard brush, pressure opacity, and air brush. And I'm happy with how these are turning out especially considering my initial forays into digital painting.
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I did 8 the still-life paintings, and I'm glad I pushed it from 4-8. I had my biggest breakthroughs on paintings 6-8. I plan to keep doing fruit studies as warmups for the future of the course.
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I finally feel like I understand basic rendering / painting and the path forward for improving at it.
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Any suggestions on what tool to use for these drawing, i am using a regular pencil but it makes the lines more messy than the tool he is using in the video, also this may be a beginner question but does everyone hold their drawing tool the same as he does in videos, does it matter ?
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Hi there! I'm new to this too, but stumbled on his drawing supplies and pencil holding videos:, respectively. I just recently got a hold of some charcoal pencils, and I can only imagine it takes practice to keep the process neat. I'm smudging and making unwanted marks all over the place.
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