Full-time Software Developer, Amateur Painter
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I definitely started running out of ideas by the end of the imagination boxes. I was also experimenting with line weight and quality. I think I started to get the hang of it by the end, but I also tended to make the torso not wide enough for how deep they were. I also think I possibly moved too far away from boxes at some times, I usually focuses on the hard(er) forms of the pelvis and rib cage, then connected the two with a softer section. To end on a positive note, I do like how most of them felt tangibly 3D. Some were pushed too far, but as they say, if you have an omelette without broken eggs, something probably went wrong.
I think I still need some practice, but its definitely helping me make more interesting structures. I'll keep working on it while using perspective in the future.
Romain Decotte
@Ahmed Aldoori Hi Ahmed 😊, Is the course mostly geared towards portrait painting? Would I be able to apply the knowledge gained here on full figures/characters? Thank you.
It is definitely geared toward portraits, but the painting fundamentals should apply to full figures.
Hi. Does the course contain nudity? Thanks
Not to my memory, but it is also a 110h course, so I might have forgotten something. Most the references are portraits
The root on the left was from photo reference with a high angle where the model's head and chest were coming towards the camera, but I think the posing of the two characters breaks that illusion since the right side character doesn't have similar foreshortening. Either way, lessons learned and it was a great opportunity to revisit appealing shapes. Edit: I added a followup I did after watching the critique.
It took me awhile to get used to it, but I think I got the hang of it in the end. I tried to tilt the head of a buck, but tilting the antlers was way hard than I was expecting.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Love that lobster. They are all great!
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With the last one, I tried to rotate the pose, but I think I changed the posture quite a bit by mistake. In hindsight, I think I misunderstood the blobs to boxy torsos section, I ended up doing full figures
Rachel Dawn Owens
You pushed the assignment and the pose but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. That’s a great problem to have. I tried to doodle something quick to show you how I might have turned that pose. I matched the angle of the pole with that leg coming forward as a design decision. I like finding matching angles across the figure. You twisted your guy more and exaggerated the pose. That’s awesome. Great work on this assignment.
I was having difficulties with pulling clean straights and ellipses, warmups helped quite a bit. It also took me some time to understand why we needed to consider minor and major axis, though I think I have the hang of it now.
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It took awhile to see the boxes in the hand. I found it really helped starting with a single plane, then figure out the angle needed to project it into a cube.
Evan Wray
Really love the shifted perspective on #1, cool choice and great execution!
This exercise was great, I feel like I have a much better grasp of how to put a portrait into perspective.
Melanie Scearce
Wow, great work!
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