Great exercise. I've done only level 1 this time, some objects some objects turned out to be more difficult than I expected. Maybe I've chosen too difficult refs.
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Level one and two, we had all fun, me and my blobs.
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Ah yes! A critique from Stan. Now I don't have anymore life goals left :) Thanks!
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Well, and I got a new life goal: to deserve a critique longer than 5 seconds :-D I have to send more drawings and make more interesting mistakes next time.
I don't like drawing vehicles and I even omitted this lesson in the Drawabox course, although I'm usually a diligent student. But it seems this topic has finally caught me up. Let me introduce you the Polish "family car" from the times of socialism (it's even shown in the Stan's video 0:17). It was the size of a sardine can, so I placed the spare wheel on the roof. On my first attempt, I got completely lost in all my own guide lines. The second version is probably slightly better, although the proportions of the car are rather off and it is not entirely similar to Fiat 126p. This exercise didn't boiled my brain. It fried it like an egg on a pan.
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The next attempt from a different angle is not very successful. Generally, I understand the principles and I know what's wrong here, I just lost my patience. Sorry for messiness, It was a long hard struggle. I sometimes feel like Winnie-the-Pooh: "For I am a bear of very little brain, and long words <complicated drawings> bother me."
Great video, as usual, but the sound of the charcoal scratching the paper... I had shivers down my spine
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@Stan Prokopenko Is everything OK with the course schedule? The demo was always preceded by the project. But the last assignment was the rhino, not these shoes.
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Level one done, before + after watching demo.
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Pali Espinosa
I struggled simplifying the values in this, tried using hard edges but ended up having some soft ones. Any critique is welcome and appreciated. I tried the pear before, this advanced assignment took effort to tackle.
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It looks really good as a portrait, but actually you haven't done the exercise. The shapes are not simplified, it's just a realistic drawing. Don't afraid to make "ugly" drawings!
Level 2 done! Drawings before and after watching demo. Version 2 seems to be a little bit better, but honestly speaking, I got lost in the values anyway.
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I'm working at a snail's pace (to little time, to many hobbies), but better late than never. My pairs of pears :-) before (first row) and after (second row) watching demo.
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And who knows this type of pencil sharpener? It was popular in my school days - yes, children from primary schools used razor blades.
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So I purchased everything on this list and I'm really happy, everything showed up already and it looks really Great. But does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep all this stuff organized and accessible? As it stands now I have a huge Amazon box full of art supplies, and I am worried things are gonna get lost fast.
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I use shallow plastic food boxes with cover (ca. 20 x 15 x 6 cm). Transparent, easy to wash, easy to stack. And cheap. Perfect for pencils, fine-liners and all that stuff.
Abby D
I hoard art supplies more than use them. Hoping to turn that around with this class and a daily habit of having fun while making art. This was relaxing and enjoyable, which I need to remind myself art as a hobby is supposed to be. Looking forward to the basics course!
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Ha, ha, @Stan Prokopenko, it seems the community has already started the course, without waiting for you :-D
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Because the value changes on the curved surface are not linear. Look at that lesson by Dorian Iten:
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Oscar Lacaci
King Mop. As you can see i'm needed of that gread free course!! ;-) . Good chlallenge anyway, thanks.
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It reminds me David Bowie as a Goblin King in the "Labyrinth" movie (the ballroom scene).
Hey, I bought this course awhile ago and haven't gotten the chance to getting to watching the course until today due to being a student trying to get an associates for my major in Illustration at my community college. These are my practice gesture drawings, which took around 10-15 minutes each I know gestures should be done faster with less detail but for some reason my brain and hand can't work like that atm due to my adhd so just bare with me.
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Perhaps you just should use the slide-show option in your photo viewer? 30 seconds and the next reference photo appears...
Anna Gorny
Simpifying animals into geometric shapes was hard. Do you maybe have some suggestions on how I might improve these?
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Question, does this method work with faces with larger eyes? I'm having trouble fitting my usual (or preferred) drawing style with this method,,
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Look at the lesson "Draw ANY Head Type with the Loomis Method – Part 2". It's about adapting the Loomis method to various faces. Children for example - they have completely different proportions (small nose, big eyes etc.)
Maybe it's a technical matter? Try various sensitivity pressure settings of your stylus. This can give more natural looking lines - thinner and brighter by little pressure. When the pressure sensitivity is set too high, even a light touch gives even, dark, thick lines - not varying much.
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