I don't see why you'd want to toss any drawings. They're a record of where you've been and where you're going and they can give you valuable insight into what you do well and can expand upon and what you need work on. One day it might be nice to look at them and get some perspective on how far you've come. I keep my basic warmup line and circle exercises in a separate sketchbook and I don't mind tossing in those although even then it might be nice to see how much you've improve at those over time. If you're working digitally you have the benefit of not needed to worry about sketchbooks taking up physical space even if the trouble of choosing how to organize comes into play.
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Worked on a few more and then I checked out the demos and realized how much I was pushing away from the spirit of the exercise. I did a few more trying to keep to the restraints of the exercise. In a lot of ways it's harder than trying to draw contours as accurately as possible.
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This was much more challenging than I thought it would be going into it. Abstracting something into shapes isn't intuitive and it ended up requiring me to take some time to analyze the animals and play around with shapes before I felt like I started to understand how I could simplify or exaggerate different shapes rather than just choosing one that generally related to the contour of the image.
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This was by far my most embarrasing project to be honest, and it has definitely made me realize that one of my biggest weaknesses is shape design. I did so poorly on this project. I felt as if all of my drawings were flat and boring. I definitely got better by the end but even my final drawings which were the kingfisher and hummingbird were pretty bad. I would really really appreciate any advice please. I really want to improve on this. Thank you!
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I feel you, I'm struggling with it now. My instinct was just to wrap shapes around the original image, but it's not that simple, each shape has to have a personality and emotion that's not necessarily suggested by the natural contour. It's taking me multiple attempts to get them to be close to satisfying. It's a skill and way of thinking that's not necessarily intuitive and it's probably going to take a while and many attempts to get a sense for picking those shapes out.
Two master studies. First is a panel from Hayao Miyazaki's manga Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. I'm not a big manga aficionado, but this was a favorite of mine when I was younger and I still go back and reread it occasionally. I live the sense of scale he fits into little panels that also convey a lot of emotion and action and the world design is great. I'll need to see if I can find an edition with larger pages because the lines are harder to analyze when shrunk down. I also did a study from a sketch by Fernanda Suarez who I found from a book I picked up in the Sketching from Imagination series which won't teach you how to sketch from imagination, but has a lot of artwork in a lot of different styles and the artists talk about their approach and the tools they use which makes it easier to do studies.
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Day 13 - Trying to get more in the sketching mindset. I always want to be really analytical about what I'm drawing and get all the proportions perfect and just feeling things out with a sketch is hard to do. I tried to focus less on perfectly placing every pan and pencil and tried to exaggerate a bit to in certain places. I then worked a bit on playing with the line weight to suggest the direction the pens and pencils are leaning.
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Day 12 - I wanted to try several quicker sketches today rather than putting 30+ minutes into one to try and work on capturing an object more instinctively rather than very slowly working my way towards it by examining, drawing, erasing, repeat and maybe get used to making decisions about where to simplify more intuitively.
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Day 11 - I was cleaning up around the house and I liked the look of this suitcase so I sketched it before bringing it to the attic. Sometimes I use chores to put off sitting down and drawing so it's nice to put off chores with drawing for a change. Still playing around with line weight and I also tried to simplify the suitcase it down instead of getting in every little detail which is a challenge in its own right. It's hard to decide what is necessary when the front compartments have a lot of detail going on. Which is essential not just to get the idea across, but to capture the personality.
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Day 14: it is not the last time I'm praticising like this, but to celebrate the last day of the challenge, I did a 14th drawing and redid all the 13 previous sketches. Went to each spot I've been to, redid every composition I once did. Only things are the bench that weren't the same, but was the same model, and the squirrel that was another one. For the 14th drawing, it's a theatre near my home. A nice and quiet place for a nice session.
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Congratulations on getting through all 14 days!
Day 9 and 10 - I did draw yesterday, but didn't get around to posting. It's not easy to concentrate on a bad night's sleep and with all the things you need to juggle to just to a line drawing I felt burnt out halfway through. Plus the controllers required a lot more thought to figure out than I had assumed setting them. As a challenge it was still fun. The hat today was a little more forgiving and I could focus on sketching and drawing in the lines better. I still want to be to heavy-handed with my sketching and make little hairy lines when I'm thinking through a complicated area. When I erased the folds in the fabric and made sure to sketch them in with gestural lines it looked better and caught the feel of the folds better than slowly scraping in those little hairy lines even if they initially catch the shape a little more accurately
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Day 8 - Life got in the way and I missed a day, but that's no reason to get upset and fall further behind. Played around with the line weight in the lesson I'm up to. Definitely helps everything pop and define the dimensions of your drawing more, but I'm not particularly subtle with it. Like everything else it will take a lot more practice.
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It's neat to see the different effects line weight can give an image when applied in different ways, it's not something I've been trying to apply yet, I've just been happy to get a line relatively close to where I intend to although I have noticed how having different line weights all over my drawings makes it look confused. So a new layer of complexity on top of everything you need to juggle in a drawing, but I wouldn't be here if I didn't want a challenge.
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Day 7 - Old polaroid camera. I think the most challenging part was the strap flowing around the front. It's hard to capture the chaotic movement as the lines taper together and widen as it twists and flows. It ends up looking like a couple of random lines rather than a strap that's located in 3D space.
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Day 6 - Didn't have a lot of time tonight so I just got out a quick sketch where I focused on trying to get out decent tapered lines. When your curves are very strict ellipses like around the mouth of a cup it's hard to not use those scratchy, hairy lines to search it out instead of ghosting and drawing the ellipse, but you've got to have the confidence to fail at it a lot on these sketches so it's easier to get it right later on. My instinct here was to try and draw the ellipse at top of the cup as the roundest because it's a full ellipse and it just has a more round feel to it. But because from my perspective I'm looking down on the cup it's actually the ellipse that I'm viewing more horizontally and it should be more narrow than the half ellipse for the bottom of the cup. Took me a little bit of observation to realize that.
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Day 5 - Went for a hike looking for something to draw that isn't a random household object, but I guess there's a reason so many drawing basics guides and courses start there. Usually the shapes and silhouettes are simple and you can generally convey the objects with little to no rendering. It took me a while to find a stump that looked like a good subject with some nice shapes that I felt would be good practice for where I'm at. But still so much of what makes it recognizable it is in the texture of the bark and wood so there was a lot to it that's beyond me. Still I'm happy with what I did before the mosquitos started eating me alive. I also got another sketch in and messed around with shading a bit. I know we should be focusing on lines more and the lines aren't great here, but I thought it was fun to start thinking about the light and shadows.
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14 Day Drawing Challenge - Completed .... I mean it's on going.... never to stop ! I enjoyed the challenge, so post a link below for anyone interested to take a look. It's been worth it, I think for highlighting what I have difficulty drawing. I'll also appreciate the lesson to follow for completing it. I've seen some great drawings in this forum and appreciate seeing what others draw thanks to all. Dermot's 14 Day Drawing Challenge - Drawings - Link
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Congratulations! I don't know if your link works, but I found the pictures in your profile. I like how confident and ambitious you got. You started out with relatively simple household objects and you ended up going out into the world to find complicated statues to analyze.
Day 4 - Drawing this dopey mutt, I'm happy it looks at least a little bit like the reference. Thought a bit about how Stan explained the instinct to draw things more even than they might actually be. My first lines made his muzzle about the same length as his head which was not right at all, but it took a bit to see the mistake because it's easier to feel that something is off than it is to diagnose what went wrong.
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Happy with the project, but I definitely found it hard to stay in the mindset of sketching the idea of the subject rather than outright copying the lines. It's so tempting to put in every bump on every line and each little detail.
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Day 3 - Once I started getting a bit into the drawing I started to notice the interesting negative space made between the individual flowers. I started using that as a way to try and get a better read on the shape and proportion of the whole vine. And of course I tried to keep focus on clean, dynamic lines.
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