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I did not Want to see that
Completely forgot to submit these! The first ones are level one and the last two are level two. I had made them 2 weeks prior, but I just forgot to actually submit them here aha Are there any points of improvements? I know there are of course, so letting me know what those are helps me out a ton!
Hanna Looye
They look great! The only thing that bugs me is the light on the hat of the level two character. Where is that bright light coming from and why don't I see it on the rest of the figure?
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Second attempt on the level 2 assignment. The image is a little upclose since I did not put any borders around the drawing, so I thought it looked better this way, I would love to know if there are any points of improvement here! One word of advice i'd give myself is that I kinda shot myself in the foot by going so dark with a hb pencil, if I didn't I most likely could have reduced the amount of noise in the darker areas, but I guess doing more and more of these will help with that. I also tried to do little to no detail at all and just focusing on the larger, clustered shapes, was that a good call?
Brian Judy
I love your choice of values for your composition. Came out really great
Melanie Scearce
Yes, this looks awesome!
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my level 2 assignment. I decided to go with hatching this time, since I think that is the most satisfying way of shading, but along the way I stopped focusing on it as much as I used to, so for this level 2 assignment I just decided to go with hatching. It's not perfect, so if anyone has some tips I'd gladly take any! I also did not draw the full photo and decided to mainly focus on the skull.
Melanie Scearce
I ran this image through the value study tool (https://www.proko.com/values). It makes real easy to see the larger value shapes. That would be my main critique, is to focus on designing your shapes rather than drawing what you see for this exercise. The concept of the thumbnail sketch is to help you identify values in a composition, so it would be beneficial for you to include the entire image when you are making these thumbnails. This is a cool image to work from!
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caught up with the most recent project! I did a 2 value one and a three value one. Any points I can improve on? Should I have been a little bit more detailed with the 3 value one perhaps? Letting me know any of my mistakes helps me out a ton, so I have a lot of gratitude for that On an unrelated note, now that I have caught up I was thinking on buying the anatomy of the human body course, figure drawing fundementals course, perhaps the new upcoming gesture course or even the figure construction one. Does anybody have any tips for me on what would be the best to buy first? I was more inclined to buy the figure drawing fundemental course or the anatomy of the human body one, but I am not sure what would be the better/wiser choice? Any advice?
Amu Noor
Overall, I think you've done a great job separating your values clearly and you have a nice balance of big, medium, and small shapes. Your shading is also very nice and clean. I think you could make these thumbnails even better if you work a little smaller (to prevent adding too much detail) and think more about big swatches of value rather than focusing on the exact contour of the shapes. So you will be thinking more about the size, value, and placement of a shape rather than what the shape itself looks like. Your shapes are nicely designed and could be even better if you added some sharper corners to them in places, so that you have a balance of straights and curves. Great job! I am no expert on anatomy or figure drawing but I have heard Stan advise to do figure drawing before anatomy, as the anatomy course assumes you already know some concepts that are covered in the figure drawing course. Hope this helps!
I did not Want to see that
finally caught up to this section! Any improvements on my value scales? For level two I kept putting a tissue paper over each block as I went on, so no cheating was done there!
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This is the level two assignment, kinda forgot to upload it haha, so that explains some time lag, along with me being busy with some other projects/assignments This was pretty hard, especially trying to change up the angle, for now I have done the first two games, but after catching up with the values section im gonna be doing two things: I will be doing the assignments after watching demo that I have not done yet, and I will make like an online wheel with every assignment in this course so far listed, and focus on that for like a week or two? Does anyone have any tips for how long I should focus on one topic before moving to another? Anyways, if there is anything strange going on with this, please let me know! I appreciate it a ton
Melanie Scearce
You did a good job with both games, but you gave him two right hands! That arm that is reaching over his head is in a very usual position so it is an easy mistake to make. In terms of how long to spend on a topic, I'd say when you get consistent results with your attempts. Always good to revisit, and if something isn't clicking you can always try something else and come back to it. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes is all you need. Good luck :)
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This one was actually very hard, but it did give me actually some good insight on how people actually get to be able to draw from imagination. I feel like this exercise will definitely help with drawing from imagination, it just kinda clicked with me like "oh, now I see that it is actually reachable" with that said, mine are still not very good, and I kinda just did these freehand, if there are any tips I would love to hear those. On an unrelated note, before I go on to values, I will first catch up with some of the promises I made, with redoing some of the prior projects after seeing the demos
I did not Want to see that
Oh forgot to crop them oops, these are also in order by the way. So the first one is game 1 and so on. The first one definitely has the most problems haha
I did not Want to see that
Here are my level 1 one level 2 assignment for the project. I could have made these a lot cleaner, so I will keep taking that criticism into account each time I notice it. Overall, there is room for improvement, but I don't think I did horrible. if there is any criticism to be given, I'd love to know!
John Edgeworth
I thing your lines are spot on, if this is your first attempt, you should be on the right track each and every step.
I did not Want to see that
Well I was gone for longer than I initially planned on. I was kinda doing my own projects for a while, but in this time I also did level one and two for the torso boxes, but I kept forgetting to upload it. Honestly, I also was kinda procrastinating with the level 2 assignment for this project, since I had a lot of other things as well like japanese studying and just other things. Regardless, I am just gonna start right again tomorrow with the visual memory games and then onto the values section. As for this assignment, if there is anything strange or not right going on with it, letting me know is something I have a lot of gratitude for, I love any piece of criticism!
John Edgeworth
Your work is wonderful, what every you are doing is working BUT, If you are doing to many things, like me, then I try to do one thing for the class a day, just one small assignment that it is asking us to do,. You do not have to complete it, but complete 30 to 60 min of work on the sketch project, and then move to something else. I did not sketch for 30 years because of my service in the US Army. But after I retired, I decided, I wanted to get back into it, so I took a few simple on line courses to remember some basic skills. Just a few days ago, I added this course and try to sketch at least 1 hour a day. There are many distractions but most of the time, I can get t-2 hours in, and sometimes more. Some days are better, some days not so good. But, I am slowly moving forward. Good Luck!
I did not Want to see that
this took a little longer than I expected, but I think that is because I actually did not watch the demo yet, and I did that on purpose, so these three are pre demo. I went into this project with some big ideas, but my lack of skill definitetly humbled me a lot, given the fact that I had at least like 10 pages ''wasted'' on some ideas. My current standpoint on these three are just indifferent, it's not like I think the project was really hard although I have made mistakes in these three. It was more that I wanted to do more, but I couldn't. I will 100 percent do these again after i watched the demo tomorrow and I will probably do 2 instead of three this time, of course I also am gonna do level 2, but I wanted to post something quickly since it has been over a week. Regardless of all of that, if there are any tips or critisism I would love to know and I appreciate anyone that takes time out of their day to do so!
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