Eveline Rupenko
Eveline Rupenko
I'm a digital and comiс artist.
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Eveline Rupenko
Hi everyone! For this assignment I decided to try to find ф shoulder bones inside the human body, The hardest part was to find a scapula position. but I think that when I'll learn shoulder muscles better I'll try to make a second approach.  
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Eveline Rupenko
Hello everyone here are my works for this assigment!
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Eveline Rupenko
Here is my bunch of drawings for this lesson, I've used both skelly and assignment photos for this lesson. I'm using landmarks as a guidelines for anges of the torso bones, but still not always sure if I defined the position right! 
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Eveline Rupenko
Hi here is my assignment for this lesson! I've drawn simplified version of ribcage from different angles as well as more realistic one to memorise the directions of the ribs better for each plane.
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Eveline Rupenko
Hi everyone! Here are my pelvis studies! I've tried to use a 3d model, and also tried to find a pelvis inside the human body using the photo! I find the coccyx placement most difficult sice mine seems to look longer than Stan's Sometimes
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Eveline Rupenko
Hi everyone! Here are my bucket studies!
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Eveline Rupenko
Hi Everyone! Here is my drawings of spine! Both skelly and photos! Photos turned out to be tricky, not sure if I figured out everything correctly.
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Eveline Rupenko
hi! Was drawing along with Stan during this lesson! This was really helpful! Want try to do this myself using another reference on a second approach for this assigment!
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Eveline Rupenko
Hello! Here is my first try for this assigment! Think I Still lack the anatomy knowledge to convert it into decent structure. Plan to make a copy of Stan's demo fron the next lesson and make a secon pass on this assigment.
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Eveline Rupenko
Hi! Here are few sketches I've made for this assigment!
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