Anatomy of the Human Body
Torso(163 Lessons )
The Basics
Rib Cage
Shoulder Bones
Intro to Muscles
Pecs & Breasts
Torso Drawing
Shoulder Muscles
Lower Back Muscles
Upper Back Muscles
Neck Muscles
Arms(101 Lessons )
Legs(107 Lessons )

David Kollmann
Spine Assignments 1through 3
Did a little practice in the downtime while visiting parents over the holidays! It is a bit rough as I didn’t use any references and I haven’t seen the rib cage guide yet.
Eveline Rupenko
Hi Everyone! Here is my drawings of spine! Both skelly and photos! Photos turned out to be tricky, not sure if I figured out everything correctly.

Lucas Schager
Here are my drawings of skelly For the anatomy of the spine unit. If you have any critique for me I’d love it.
Steve Lenze
Hey Lucas,
You put a lot of movement in the spine which is good, but you have the spine cutting into the ribcage in both of these drawings.
Remember, the thorasic spine curves with the back of the ribcage, yours is not. Think about what the spine is doing from a side view, that will help figure out whats happening.
I did a quick sketch over your drawings to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Gabriel Kahn
I did the vertebrae, hopefully I didn't mess up the perspective, this one was pretty complicated
Volker Wuyts
Wow that's cool that you take the time to draw those in detail. Great job
Hi @Gabriel Kahn, the vertebrae drawings are looking great!
I'll try to look for things to improve on:
- The crosscontours on the spine are looking off. I think you would benefit from drawing it again, and if you don't know how to draw crosscontours on a curving cylinder, let me know and I'll try to explain👍

This year I´m doing a 365 days challenge to finally end this course a lesson per day and I will post my progress.
Have a great day everyone and make great things, Day 19 done 346 to come.
Hi @viny, I think these studies are really nice! Good anatomy, good gesture, good structure!
- You have the tapering from lumbar to cervical, which is great, but I think you might be making the spine a little too thick.
- I would pay some more attention to the sacrum. Its proportions don't look right in some drawings.
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
Jesse Desuraune Rajol
J'ai pris des notes en français si ça peut aider.
Sandra Süsser
No assignment, just keeping myself accountable with Sketch notes of the lecture.

Is there a way to download the complete course and not only the videos seperately?
Katey Jensma
@valix3 each lesson has to be downloaded individually.
Nihi Sus
Wasn't sure what the assignment was so I just studied the spine a bit, actually really interesting and cool shapes.
Nihi Sus
Is there an assignment here or not?
Katey Jensma
@Daniel Mayerhofer the next assignment is located in the lesson, "How to Draw the Spine."

S. Martin
Im confused. If the 6 first cervicals are invisible cos of ligaments... and if the 7th is so big it is a Landmark when we bend forward... Which vertebrae are showing in the photo? I can see 3 vertebrae... Guessing the middle and biggest one is the 7th cervical.... which one is the one before and the one after? Is the first one the 6th cervical? Then cervicals were not that hidden, or is it the 7th vertical and the follower biggest one is the first thoracic?
Thx for your attention.
Daniel Foust
I was confused by this too. But judging by this image it seems clear to me that the 6th would be completely invisible since it's so far buried by that ligament he mentioned. So I'm going to assume the 7th is the first one we can see, at the top of the diamond. The second, more prominent one, must be the 1st thoracic.

From the trace models exercise- I did these from memory. This is my second time doing this exercise after taking time to study from proko's drawings etc. Still, I can see some mistakes in comparison to Proko's drawings.
Have I learnt enough to move onto the next exercise or should I continue practicing the trace models exercise? Thanks!

My drawing practice for today, please let me know what I can do to do better? (also, thank you for the other students posts, it really helps show what I should've done/will do in the future)
Hello! I try draw spine. What do you think about it? Please write me what I did wrong. In the first exercise, I drew red on the skeleton picture and then I moved them to see if my freehand drawing was correct. I marked the first and second attempts with numbers(its black drawings). Second exercise was really hard for me and I dont know if I make it right. Regards!

James Hicks
hi! question for you or anyone on the premium course.... where are you getting the photo as reference? i can't seem to remember where those spine photos would be located.... maybe im blind lol

Arnaud Casier
Hi! First of, I'm not an expert, just a fellow student. I looked at your drawings and they seem pretty good to me. I'd suggest you to take a look at proko's drawings and compare them with your own. Also, in one of the videos proko gives feedback about a couple of student drawings. I certainly recommend you take notes of those feedback moments. Good luck with the rest of your drawing journey!
Tony Vu
Here's my first attempt at the spine Assignment. I intend to now go watch Stan's examples. I feel that my positioning is quite off, and that I don't exaggerate the spine enough. Feedback is always apreciated!
Grant H
Hey Tony,
I haven't gotten to this assignment myself yet so maybe I would have better feedback at that point. However, one thing I'm seeing is that you clearly define the front plane of the ribcage, but not really the back. In a few of Stan's examples I just glanced over, he didn't draw the back plane either. However, he doesn't draw it because he knows the perspective by heart and just skips putting it in. In your case, I think you're unsure about where that back plane actually is.
For you, I would try to "draw through" and sketch in the back plane of the ribcage, even when looking at it from the front view. Once you have the back plane, you can give it a centerline and you'll know that the spine has to follow that. At the moment, it seems like your spines are just floating somewhere inside the ribcages, rather than being anchored to the rib cage's back plane centerline.
I made this simplified egg example for you that hopefully makes sense. The leftmost form is just an egg. The middle is an egg with a little of the back carved off. You can see the green centerline follows the form. That centerline is what you would attach the edge of the spine to. The third form is just with the spine added. Hope that helps. Maybe I can help more after I do that assignment.
Rob Montgomery
Did these a while back now and would probably approach them a bit differently now I've had a bit more practice finding the landmarks but would be good to see if there are any errors i havent spotted or thing I could improve.
looks great to me!
Ryan Gromek
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.