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Did studies from a few artists recommended by Proko for line quality. I like to copy and the move on to a imagination drawing using what I have just learned to better sink in the knowledge. I'll probably do a few more of those.
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These look insane! Especially the study of Claire Wendling's illustration seems really well done!
My submissions for the sketch from observation project as well as the references I used. I tried not to focus too much on small details, and instead find the rhythm and flow of the forms. It was a really rewarding exercise!
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Looks good!
Stan Prokopenko
Hey basics students, I'm sick and can't record right now. The next lesson on Cross Contour will be delayed till next week. Sorry!
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You deserve a rest. Get well soon!
Zach Pipher
Stan, I really like doing the practice assignments, They make me feel good because I feel successful when I do them. However I don't really spend time doing personal projects. Whenever I draw I just do the most recent lesson or a lesson from the past that I felt like I needed more time doing. However I am worried though if I am stunting my growth by not drawing something for me- or rather something original, either from a reference or from imagination. How important would you say it is to make sure I spend a few days a week drawing for me and not doing old projects over and over again?@@ For reference I love drawing characters but they never look as good as I like them to. So i default to doing drawing that makes me feel comfortable.
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Something you can try is incorporating some of the lessons in designing/ drawing your characters. Using the lessons about shape and perspective to construct some cool poses for example.
Hi @conclorde! To answer your first question: NO! You are never too old to learn how to draw. Now regarding your second question: That depends. Those two are professionals with years of experience. You'll need to do a lot of drawing to reach their levels. It is hard, but it is possible with enough hard work, a good community and the right resources. Luckily for you, you can find two of those things right here at Proko!
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Fabian Ayala
Tried animating a box moving in space. This was good practice. Drew a lot of lines lol
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Cool idea!
Had some trouble keeping the shading even using a charcoal pencil. I might need to revisit the video on sharpening :-|
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Hello David, can't really help with the charcoal pencil problem, but I think you captured the shape of the pear well. Things you should focus on are the seperation of shapes with clear edges and not outlining the shape of the highlights. I can kinda see what shapes you are using but it is not clear enough. To make the highlights pop out more you can make the value of the surrounding area a little bit darker. I hope this helps and sorry if I could not make my self clear enough, english isn't my first language.... :/
Cheng-Yuan Wang
Hello everyone! This is my first attempt of the pear. In this assignment I specifically used 4 different pencils for different values to avoid pressing too hard on the paper, which I tend to do without noticing. When I finished the pear, I didn't know what to do with the shadow on the surface, so I left it blank. In retrospective, I should have made my dark shadow on the pear a bit lighter so I would have some room for the darkest shadow on the surface like so many of you did. That's definitely something I will try to do next time. I also found that my woodless graphite pencils is a bit darker than my wooden ones. I don't know if it's normal because they're very cheap. But this assignment does make me more familiar with the tools I have so I can make the best use of them.
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Looks good! :)
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