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This was a lot harder than I expected. I really struggled with the dog's angles... and I'm not very happy with my results in general. I've been doing shapes as a warmup. Also included examples of shapes both from imagination and from observation.
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Gestures Day 16 I’ve decided to try and stick with Stan’s style of gesture for a while - Simple, clean lines. As a whole I tend to put way too many searching marks on the paper so hopefully focusing on this during gesture will help. 2 min gestures, super inconveniently light HB pencil, mostly tripod grip. Critiques welcome!
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Nice work. I especially like both drawings in that 1st image (one standing, one reclining)
Benjamin Green
What I struggle with is drawing lines digitally. I just can't get over the mental connection to the screen. I know there are screen tablets these days, but those force me to look down over the screen and I've gotten a pinched nerve in my neck from doing that. I drew with nothing but a ballpoint pen for a long time and got decent penmanship doing that, but when I try to translate that to a digital medium, I just really really get down on myself for not being able to imitate the same accuracy and line quality. I'm constantly drawing, undo, drawing, undo. Can't seem to get the line to go where I want to in my mind. If anybody has any tips on this or can relate and wants to rant, I would love to hear from you. Thanks!
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Thanks for the digital tips! It's different a whole other set of skills to learn. I was watching a bunch of digital artists YouTube and Domestika a while back, and they also did a ton of draw/undo to get their lines. No idea whether that's a bad habit or just what you end up having to do.
I did a quick sketch in Krita then a longer one using pencil in my sketch book. In my sketch book, the proportions of the boots away from me (even though I blocked out the proportions before I started).
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Here are some beans I did as 1 minute gestures. Still working on the right amount & angle of overlap
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Had some trouble keeping the shading even using a charcoal pencil. I might need to revisit the video on sharpening :-|
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