United States
Currently building a strong drawing foundation. Also interested in digital painting.
Activity Feed
Did these with ref images in front of me. The second one of the baseball player I really tried to capture the gesture and balance of the pose which I felt I botched in the first image
Joseph Osley
That first pose is a hard one to convey outside the context of the image. Your basic forms look great! I see some elongation of limbs and a little tiny head syndrome. Sometimes I think our eyes demand to be lied to; as in, we have to exaggerate to show what's actually there. Action shots like these almost demand artistic license to feel kinetic. Some of Gannon's recent gestures show this really well. Great practice! Keep up the good work(love the note taking BTW).
Did this one off of memory after studying the reference for a few minutes. made some critiques for myself, mainly gestural and stiffness issues.
Rachel Dawn Owens
This is great! Your drawings are always so nice. I love your linework. The forms and perspective look terrific. I agree, that this pose feels a bit stiff compared to the reference. For poses like this, involving punching or kicking, I like to imagine “Z”s running through the body. It’s an abstract idea that informs the forms I draw. Like lighting bolts, energy explodes from the heel of the foot when someone is kicking like this. I hope this is helpful. Keep it up!
Amy Jensen
I did this slow as a snail. I have tried the boots and have erased them so many times. Feeling a bit overwhelmed at all of the shapes.
good work! The snail is definitely there. Try throwing your lines down quicker to avoid wobbliness and choose longer sweeping lines. boxers practice their jab. ball players practice free throws. draftsmen do line drills and warm ups. hope that helps!!
Patrick Bosworth
Visual memory games! The from memory exercise was fun, but revealed a lot of gaps in my recall! A quick study of top/side/front really helped solidify the shapes in my head making changing the angle so much easier!
Beautiful!! Any advice on how you pull a long curved line? i feel that the long curves are difficult to pull in one stroke and even if i do successfully lay the stroke down, it’s never dark enough or readable so i have to go over it a few more times making an unclean line. every edge of your anvil is so clean, so crisp, so readable. How??
My morning gesture session with references attached. a few reminders for my self. continue the motion of the rhythms and not abruptly stopping such as what happens when i try to make the arms in 90 degree angles. simplify, skip muscles, 2d representations. ghost lines before throwing them down, instead of messy searching lines
Gannon Beck
Nice work! I think ghosting this lines worked really well--very clean and deliberate mark making.
Joseph Osley
I love the reminders. That strikes me as such a good habit to cultivate. Great idea and effort!
From memory, different angle (top view), and my own generic proportions. i worked on foreshortening more than what felt right since i often don’t foreshorten enough. some errors here and there: the torso should be more tilted and create a small crunch on the guy’s left side where his prayer hand is. his lifted foot should be way more downward pointing like a dancer’s. i put the thumb on wrong side of his prayer hand, definitely struggled on that hand. the wooden log should be tilted downward which would have occurred if I tilted the torso correctly in the first place. overally, not too shabby of an an attempt in my opinion.
Dudts Draws
nice work , interesting reference !
Gannon Beck
Good work!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Really cool!
Mannequinization of superman statue from queen studios. i definitely went a bit conservative on his proportions for simplification sake. perhaps could have pushed the foreshortening of the torso some more. right arm a tad long.
Gannon Beck
Good work! Out of curiosity, who is the sculptor on that Superman?
Joseph Osley
I really think you're getting the key elements of mannequinization. The proportions and perspective may be slightly different from the source, but the dimensionality is clear as day and your forms "make sense" in their own right. Great exercise!
Attempt before video. feedback to myself would be: construct the pelvis even if it is hidden. That would better inform me where the legs begin. i drew the subject’s right leg pointed out too far, instead it should be pointing kind of downward creating a balanced posture.
My attempt before watching the video. a few shortcomings on mine. i missed the pelvis angle, my box has the other side plane showing. my overall gesture isnt as strong. i could be more deliberate with my contour lines, a lot of them look like the same angle ellipse my thoracic arch is too big, it should be more narrow on a lady could have made more indications of planes on the head. onto the next one!
Another mannequin, thanks for the muscles Hugh. fairly happy with this one. Would like more insight on how to mannequinize elbows, knees.
Woops, his lunge is not grounded. Should have made his left foot touch down higher on the page to match his right leg
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