Anatomy of the Human Body
Torso(163 Lessons )
The Basics
Rib Cage
Shoulder Bones
Intro to Muscles
Pecs & Breasts
Torso Drawing
Shoulder Muscles
Lower Back Muscles
Upper Back Muscles
Neck Muscles
Arms(101 Lessons )
Legs(107 Lessons )

Child Granny
These muscle fibers.... whoa
any feedback would be awesome!
Margaret Langston
My first challenge as someone with bad eyesight was to figure out how to use the Skelly app. You'll see in the first image that I tried this on my own. The first pose was too hard and I was taking too much into consideration but the main problem is that I can't see anything on my phone. Maybe someone else will benefit from this (and maybe it seems obvious to everyone else but me) but the only way this works for me is to 1) post the Skelly on my phone 2) take a screenshot 3) send that screenshot to myself in an email and 4) download that screenshot and look at it on my 20x12 monitor. The other images are shameless copies of Prof. P's demos.

Ria Kumo
Used poses from the pose library. All critiques welcomed!
Sita Rabeling
First try with Skelly. The rhomboid and then also the trapezius muscle.
Looks great!
- The trapezius is not originating correctly at the base of the skull. It should start at the superior nuchal line (the one that looks like a flying bird).
- It might help to draw only a few selected fibers. Too many lines can be confusing to handle.
When I studied the trapezius I tried to analyze and simplify its function and structure. I struggled the most with the top portion because of how it twists. It helped to think of the trapezius as a few strings. At the base of the skull I had two. The lateral one going the the medial point on the clavicle, and the medial one going to the lateral point on the clavicle. These two lines cross in an "X". Starting with finding these two, made drawing the upper portion a lot easier.
Then a few more strings to map out the other two portions.
Hope this helps :)
Jason Winter
My attempt at the "Draw Skelly" assignment.
Jason Winter
Just noticed I forgot to put in the romboids. Also, my versions of Stans examples
Sekond attempt
I don't have the app but I invented some poses without it instead
João Bogo
Hey, sharkhead
Let me give you a little feedback and the previous one on this section because they have the same problem. To invent muscles you need to understand the its shape, form and function. While you are drawing the shape correctly and the sections, I do think your drawings are lacking a bit more of understanding of form and function. Because they are compressing and stretching in the right way.
I would like you to re-watch the videos of the section but this time pay special attention to the 3-d form of the muscles (where the trapezium is thicker? where is thinner? what's the shape and thickness of the rhomboids? and when they are gonna appear more? How do you overlap the rhomboids and the trapezium) and their function (what do they do? when they gonna contract and when they are gonna extend? And in which way? How are they compressed and extended forms?)
Then, I would like you to redo the first part of the exercises but this time in every assignment but really analyse what's happening in that particular pose. Ask yourself "What's this muscle doing? What is the movement is this model doing and in which way does that impact the muscles? How can I better represent this muscle? Do I make my cross contours more curvy to show the thickness or more flat?" Focus on the rhomboids and the trapezium. Forget the shoulder muscles, arms etc. Use gesture or simple forms to describe them. Your main concern right now is to understand the upper back muscles.
Finally, come back to inventing. Hopefully by doing the previous exercise your comprehension of the muscles and your visual library will improve and you will do this part with more certainty. One final tip: stand up and repeat the pose you're trying to draw. Pay attention to which muscles are tense and which are relaxed. Normally the tense muscles will be more fuller and by doing the pose you'll get a more visceral comprehension of the gesture.
Keep drawing and best regards.
Marco Sordi
2021/7/19. Hi everyone. Here's my assignment for this section. Thanks and have a good week.
Hi @Marco Sordi, really nice studies! I'll try to look for things to improve on:
- The triangular tendon of the lower portion at the scapula looks a little narrow to me, compared to Proko´s 3D model. I think it is because you're attaching it to the top plane of the spine of scapula. It should attach to the bottom edge, making it overlap the body of the scapula at the corner
- I think you attached the top portion at the wrong spot on the skull. Both seem to be on the left side base
I hope this helps :)
Amina Umirzhanova
Hi Proko! I've tried to do the assignment from the upper angle, so I really hope that I got foreshortening right.
Mathew Patterson
Looks pretty good to me! If anything I would love to see more refined
line work with the muscle
fibers to indicate smoother flow and clear volume ✌🏻
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.