How to Draw Feet
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Anatomy of the Human Body

How to Draw Feet

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How to Draw Feet

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It’s a 2-parter. Download the 3 photos and start by drawing the simple structure that we learned in the beginning of this video. We can call this the “mannequinized” foot. Then do another drawing of the surface forms, starting with the gesture, then adding structure and shading.

WOW I can’t believe I’m done! I had some trouble understanding the shape of the fibula and tibia ankle bumps I’m so thankful for this course - I can really see how my understanding has improved over my sketches and character art. I’m sure i will be returning at some point, and I know i will be referring to the notes I took for a long time :)
Ash Chung
My 2nd go at it. Stan makes shading look so easy.
Ash Chung
Thank you :)
Joseph Osley
You're not exactly making it look difficult haha. These are fantastic. Love the heel texture and toe wrinkles. Absolutely wonderful!
Patrick Bosworth
Beautiful work!
Ash Chung
My first attempt. Its hard not to copy everything i see from the ref just to get things right. Need to design forms better.
Gannon Beck
Wow! Beautiful drawings.
Margaret Langston
I did this assignment over the last week. I tried the 2-part assignment myself first before watching the demos. After the demos, I tried image 1 again by myself but gave up by image 2 and did them again while rewatching the demos. After watching the last two critique videos and the final demo, I will finish this course. It's taken me at least 2.5 years. It was worth it, and I feel I will be returning to this material regularly in the coming years
Sikandar Kashfi
here's my feet assignment. These are not perfect and I can do better.
Phattara Groodpan
Here is my attempts. Critique is welcome!
The toes on the first shaded drawing look too short (they look more correct on the simple construction drawing) and on the third drawing they're too long. Also, the toes on the third drawing look very flat, you should be able to see some of the front plane from that angle, try drawing the toes as simple boxes so you get the perspective right, kinda like you did on the first one. Maybe try making your drawing bigger so you can fit more detail and describe the form better. In general, I think you need to go back and practice perspective more before you do all this anatomy stuff. is very good for that.
Samuel Parker
Last assignment for this course, proud of these but I’m thinking of doing this course again sometime in the future when my brain hurts a bit less. I took a snapshot of the lay-in of foot 2 to show how i use gestural contours as a base to build on, it is a good addition to my process i think. Awesome course, I don’t think I’d be where I am artistically without your help Stan, you’re a good egg for creating easily accessible and processable art education.
My feet assignment, after corrections by having seen Stan's demo (Couldn't find the blocky sketch for the third one, that must be lost in one sketchbook...) Thanks and have a good day everyone!
Benjamin Green
These drawings look excellent!
Anubhav Saini
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Anubhav Saini, nice studies! The main thing I would recommend you focus on in your next drawings, is to try to get the proportions right. In image 1 the toes are too wide for example. The exercise I think you would benefit the most from, is the one I mentioned last time: "- I would encourage you to practice drawing figures, and the anatomical area of focus, from imagination. It's a great way to test & deepen your knowledge. I like following this routine: 1. Draw from imagination 2. Check were I'm off, with reference. Studying the part I got wrong. 3. Draw again from imagination." If you in your head now what a foot "should" look like, you're much more likely to draw it correctly when drawing from reference. Hope this helps :)
Anubhav Saini
Anubhav Saini
feet assignment Part 1
Hello everyone! A few feet studies from the lesson and from photo references. Thanks and happy holidays to all!
Marco Sordi
James Paris
For this assignment , I had to watch Stan's example before anything, I couldn't figure out the shape of the simplified foot After that, I did 2 tries per image, one before and one after watching Stan's correction
Sadie Ward
I'm almost there. So close to the finishing line! I'd really love some critique on these, really feel free to tear it apart. I redrew number 1 to try to make the toe design a bit better. I included some of my initial sketches for some of them because I'm not very confident with my shading at the moment. I've felt in some of them it was a hindrance to my original work, but I can see myself improving with it.
Sadie Ward
Here's the first part of my submission. I haven't had a chance to look at the answers yet, but I'd love some critique on this first part before I move on. No holds barred, I really want to learn feet right.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Sadie Ward, I think you've done a great job with these! Good gesture, structure and anatomy. - I think the proportions look off at times. In #3 and #1 the foot reads as too wide overall. In #3 it's mainly the talus and tibia/fibula hinge joint that is too wide and in #1 the heel. It might help to do some sketches of the foot from imagination to familiarize yourself with its proportions. You could for example do a sketch, then check with reference to see where you're off, then try another pose or the same, keeping those errors in mind. Or it's just a matter of paying closer attention to proportion when drawing from reference. Hope this helps :)
Benjamin Seaton
The real skelly was the friends we made along the way. Thank you for this insightful course Stan!
Feet 2
Attila Mityok
To me these look really awesome, your tones are great and construction looks well thought out!
Steve Lenze
Hey hiflow, In general your foot drawings are nice, they have good proportion and have nice gesture. I think you do need to make sure you pay good attention to the structure. Make sure you build the structural drawing using 3D shapes, especially in the toes. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Marco Sordi
2022/5/8. Good morning everybody. Here’s a first attempt of drawing basic form of the foot. Tomorrow I’ll try to draw the same forms using the pics Stan provided. Thanks and have a good Sunday.
Javier Urbina
i finally finish this free anatomy course im really feel like i complete something big , thanks teacher proko!
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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