How to Draw Abs – Anatomy
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Anatomy of the Human Body

How to Draw Abs – Anatomy

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How to Draw Abs – Anatomy

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Assignment: Draw the Abs

Your assignment for this week is to do some quick sketches of models in various poses. Make sure to focus on the motion and form of the abs.

Sometimes to show the forms, it might make sense to indicate some tone. But don’t go overboard. The assignment is not to spend hours rendering a single pose. It’s to do a lot of quick studies. Sometimes an indication of a core shadow with the right shape and edge will be enough to indicate the form. If you’re new to shading, don’t shade for this exercise since it will be a distraction.

Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
I have been drawing a lot but not uploading my assignments. So that‘s what I am doing now. I am in the Us for a couple of months and I don‘t have my scanner here - so I am trying my best to get good photos in natural light.
Daniel Lucas Nizari
Hopefully someone can help with deciphering this image for me. Is the green part, part of the abs or pecs? And what about the pink one? It’s the first image of the assignments
Rachel Dawn Owens
They are both actually part of the rib cage. This model has a very wide arch to his ribcage, so you see it more than usual. This arch can be greatly exaggerated on men to make them look more masculine. It’s something that Frazetta did a lot on his figures.
Giorgi Karkuzashvili
Proportions are always difficult
Abs, abs
Yoyo Yang
Would appreciate it if anyone can help with some critique on my practice~ thanks a lot!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Perfect abs!
Waner Hoogleiter
Small update.
Cseri Zsolt
Well, one main issue is that the origin of the ab is on the upper part of the pubic crest, it will never go all the way down to the bottom of the pelvis. The other is that you just paste the basic ab form to your drawing, not adjusting it to the pose, If there is a crease visible on the model, then it should be visible on your drawing as well. You can help this issue by focusing more on gesture drawings. Hope that helps, have a nice day
Hello, here are my attempts before watching the demo. They look stiff. -_- And I am not showing the abs very well. I will post my after demo works too.
Here are part of my after works. Will do more.
happy to take feedback
Manuel Rioja
Assigments done my way...
Michael Bristow
that's really good!
Karas Rijji
Here’s my assignment
Samuel Sanjaya
My abs assignment. I also did some quicksketches as a warm ups. Any feedbacks or critiques on either or both of these will be greatly appreciated.
Hi! These are my drawings for the assignment of this lesson and it took me forever to complete(i've done these drawings 2 other times) . I still don't feel that confident with my lines sometimes and i'm working on it . Other than that , i'm still struggling a bit on gesture but i think these are a huge improvement compared to the breast assignment. Anyway,i would really appreciate any critique/advice.
My drawings for this lesson
Samuel Parker
This was a really fun exercise :3
Margaret Langston
Abs Assignments, first on my own, then a second attempt with Prof Proko examples :\
Tsotne Shonia
I wanted to specifically practice *painting* abs because I used to struggle a lot with this, so I went quite heavy on the "shading". Here's my submission for this assignment :
Steve Lenze
Hey Tsotne, Nice job on these paintings, you were not that far off. The biggest thing that I noticed is that you have too much contrast between your lights and shadows. This is pretty common and requires you to always compare a value to other values as you paint to see if it's lighter or darker. The other thing to keep in mind is that in some of the drawings you lost some of the structure of the figure causing it to look flat and unidimensional. Also, you are adding highlights in areas where they do not exist, causing some forms to look like balloons. I did a quick paint over some of your figures to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
My suggestion is to avoid the shading and highlighting when starting out. It can be a "cheat code" into suggesting form that doesn't really stretch you as an artist and (truthfully) can turn into very bland and "generic" look in today's digital world. My two-cents.
Sandra Süsser
Lesson notes abs
Gannon Beck
Good notes!
Sarvesh Gupta
Remaining abs assignments! Probably overdid the shading in the first one and I feel the pelvis could have been tilted more backwards in the second one.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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