Karas Rijji
Karas Rijji
Karas Rijji
Shoulder muscles assignment
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Karas Rijji
here are my oblique Part 2 & 3 assignments
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Karas Rijji
this is my oblique Part 1 assignment
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Karas Rijji
Here’s my assignment
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Karas Rijji
I attempted the proper way in each sketch, I want to become as concise as stan's demonstration
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Karas Rijji
Here's my assignment
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Karas Rijji
Here are new adjustments to the muscle orientation of the upper pectoralis major muscle.
Karas Rijji
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Karas Rijji
here my assignments
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Karas Rijji
I realized the pelvic error of #9 and #10 ,and tried that again
Karas Rijji
Pelvis study 2
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Karas Rijji
Pelvis study 1
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Karas Rijji
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Karas Rijji
It does feel a bit difficult. After two or three days of procrastination, I finally accepted it mentally. Think of the body as boxes and draw the perspective structure, then look for the pelvic spine line and everything will go more smoothly.
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Karas Rijji
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Karas Rijji
Hello, teacher. The core of this anatomy course is to geometrize the parts of the human body, simplify complex structures, and memorize and understand the human body through the logic of perspective and geometry. Based on the teacher's demonstration (simplified geometric human body), I would like to know more about the actual human body structure, so I have shown some more complex geometric structures in my assignments, which is my understanding of the skeleton after geometrizing the figurative structures with reference to the medical mannequins. I would like to know if you think this is better? If there are any mistakes, I hope you can point them out, THANK YOU!
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Karas Rijji
I use some anatomy apps to help understand the structure, and here is my understanding of assignments
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