This lesson is a continuation of chapter 2 where we apply what we have learned with a quick color study demonstration.

Vy Vo
This is my first time painting like this, with not much detail and super-short rendering time. Please let me know what you think. Thank you.
Giulia Pozzi
and an ugly photo study. Hopefully it'll get better once I get a hang of it!
If anybody has any feedback... I've never really played with colors before... I find it really challenging.
Giulia Pozzi
Playing a bit with the knowledge gained in this wonderful lesson...! Wanted to share because this makes me happy. Also please if anyone has any piece of adivce I'm all ears! Work in progress.
Jake Miller
A nice cactus! First time I feel like I've done a proper colour study. I've done things like this before, but generally with colour picking. No picking this time, aside from the canvas itself occasionally.
I didn't push the colours too much I think, but definitely a bit more outside of the ref range with the shadows. I need to build confidence, since I always start and think "where do I even go with this?".
I would love critiques, the more negative the better! Positive reinforcement is nice, but I'd love help with improvement, I feel in a rut sometimes. What do I analyze, what do I do differently next time? Guess I'll just keep going and it will eventually work out.

First one is cool, second is warm. The leaves on the warm one were confusing, I think its becasue they reflect eachother. The cool one was hard because everything was reddish brown from itself so I really had to think about how it moved across the spectrum. hope I got it!

ngl, I got a bit confused trying to both matching the colors from the reference and shifting the color temperature in accordance with "the bully". Maybe I will need to approach study with a less rigid mindset.

I love this course, Here is my first attamption .lol
Edward Burgos
Here's a color study I did of a more rural area. I didn't a great job of keeping the shadows cool and the lights warm. Some areas have shadow values that lean more towards the warm side and some that lean towards the cool side despite the entirety of the scene being bullied by the same light source. Will need to try to always have the bully in mind and how strong the bully is going into these studies.
Matt Tsui
Tried this out today
I like how you did the shapes
Rafael Mersmann
Hi guys, I tried to apply what I learned in a Study from my own Photo reference. What do you think?

Cool !
Rafael Mersmann
Second Photo Study.
Hello there I was hoping I could get some feedback and critique on my study.

Hi, great job! Very readable picture with clear blueish light. Nice
If I can recommend something, I think you have the same problem as me - you are afraid o using too saturated and dark colours and because o that everything looks grayish and flat.
Try checking values to be sure that darks and lights are push enough.
Claire Yuan
Hi Marco, thank you so much for this course. In this chapter, you helped me "see" the temperature of colors and how warm or cool light affect the object and its environment. I am more conscious when looking at the color of light sources, the local color, reflective light, and shadows now. Your Youtube video about ambient occlusion also helped a lot. Many thanks, and all critiques are welcome!
Love the second one!
Sebastian Carrillo
Sebastian Carrillo
And here's a practice I did based on this reference

Winnie Chen

Adrian Potato
Great Demonstration! I was wondering how much time would would you recommend to spend on one quick study? 10-15 minutes?

I won't ever forget about the sun being a bully! Great way to make sure students make those associations on their own when the time comes to put it into practice. Really thankful you showed Felix's work too, I hadn't heard of him and his art looks absolutely stunning. Gotta check him out!
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About instructor
Marco Bucci began serious study of art when he was 19. He began with drawing fundamentals for 3 years before discovering a love for painting.