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added comment inRebooting my art learing journey - feedback appreciated
Week 60: Continued with the value notan studies. Also did some longer gesture drawings and I've started the 30 day drawing challenge by Marc Brunet
For fun some masterstudies. I think I did a lot of work this week!

Master studies for fun? That is bold :D
Week 54: Some more drapery studies + I did an (unpaid) commission for a birth card. Drawn from imagination in procreate. I'm pretty happy with the inking, but I'm also struggling with adding highlights and shadows in a cartoony drawing.
it's absolutely lovely, but tbh i am not sure where the lightening is coming from (top-left?), I think children faces confuse me and the bird's tail
I'd love some feedback on those 1 minute and 2 minute sketches.
At some point I started to draw with simple cheap pen, and it helped me to avoid uber hairy lines - its still not perfect, but I am for sure more mindfull about where I can put theme sice I dont have an option to erase them.
I try to work at one thing at the time and for now it is mostly flow (and not shrinking people's heads).
I dont like the design of most of my shapes, but I feel I should just ignore it for now - or that is a mistake and I should copy someone whos shapes I like try addapting them to new poses?
The quality of the photo's isn't great I'm sorry, but I would love some feedback. These drawings are from my last practice session (8th one I think since I started the assignment). The first image is 30 seconds, the rest 2 minutes. I'm often "finished" much earlier than 2 minutes (as in if I go further its not really a gesture drawing anymore) which might be an indication that I don't take the time to think about where I place my lines. I often see this in my own drawings too, where I end up constantly erasing and redoing because I hurry to much and mess up my paper. I would love to hear someones view on this!
You are doing great!
I am total noob so take it all with a grain of salt, I can be wrong :)
I do have the same problem with 5 minutes drawing that you have with 2 minutes.
What helped me was to change a bit a main objective with time I think you could use a bit of exageration on some of the poses - that can also force you to think more before putting the pencil down. Or try to measure at least some masses - it should also slow you down and switch on thinking before drawing.
I feel like in some of the drawings if I draw a ribcage where you indicated it is, It would be deformed. as it ends a bit too low or too high. Maybe try drawing through the poses.
Also I think you draw arms in a very similar way most of the time - to accentuate that there is force going through the arm, especially when somebody is pressing it to the ground, try drawing it with straight line.
I hope some of it will be usefull!
Keep up great work, you have such a clean lines its amazing!
The left image is in 30 seconds. The right image is in 2 minutes. I tried drawing for 30 minutes today. It was difficult!
Jack Mills
Asked for help
does anyone have any advise for how to draw limbs? I struggle with doing the gesture on the arms and legs, I feel like the limbs are too stiff but I don't know. also any other feedback would be appreciated. thank you
Asked for help
tryed the gesture exercise before moving onto the next video, any feed back on where im going off is appreciated.
Great idea with drawing with the pen, you have to commit to the line and that is great for practicing gesture drawing.
What I'd adive is try avoiding the dreaded "snowman effect". Its basically when you have symmetry on the bumps of your image like with legs and arms on the second one. For drawing gesture much better is to make one side cirved and the second one straight or curve them the same way (cause this is about the motion and not about the outline)
Asked for help
Awesome stream!
I lately try out a new thing - doing a fast small sketch where i try to focus on gestures and force. Then I write down some notes, to help inform a bigger drawing of the same pose, that I'll do next.
Almost every time the second one is worst.
The only idea I have, why that can happen, is that I am loosing confidence, cause somehow big picture is bigger stakes? It does sounds riddiculous, but hey, its brain, it thinks a lot of weird staff.
Any tips for me appart from draw enough to gain confidence?
Look pretty great to me. If you draw/paint certain size, it always throws you off when you change the size. Same with changing mediums, just do another one.
Can we all pretend that big face in the middle is not there? Thanks!
Also drawing with a pencil is nerve wracking, but hey it was out of your comfort zone practice, so here we are....
5 to 10 minutes timer.
Week 43: i've finished the 100 hands challenge!