shoes are difficult especially the laces. how do the csi attempts look, where did i go array in them.
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not sure if im allowed to post csi attempts not in the assigned home work .
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first few attempts to come of observational drawing, any advice is appreciated. the words to the side are just stuff i felt i did wrong.
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Thanks to both of you for the advice , ill do my best to apply it.
first couple of attempts of simplifying objects and animals, feedback is appreciated.
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some other gesture attempts they were 1min each.
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another attempt i made at the CSI simplification, tried to take my time more with it, and tell where im going array,
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a few of the simplification exercises, would appreciate any feedback.
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i tried looking for waist pinches and drawing the spheres around that, any advice on how im going wrong is helpful.
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i dont think im getting this, any advice?
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another attempt at the pear.
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both attempts before and after the critique video, the first one was a bit rushed so hopefully the afterwards makes up for it. open to know where im messing up.
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Did this without seeing the demo, noticing some errors in it already, and i should of added the shadow. tell me where i went array or could of done better.
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Asked for help
tryed the gesture exercise before moving onto the next video, any feed back on where im going off is appreciated.
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