julien Gaumet
julien Gaumet
Lille, France
Julian Blake
BEHOLD!! This is where my two main weaknesses meet and make me shake in awe and fear: line quality and cross-contour lines! My hand is so stiff, man! I always have a really hard time creating C curves that feel rounded and maintaining the form. Let alone being able to make the cross contour lines on a vertical plane to really make it feel 3d, but I gave it a shot anyways!
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julien Gaumet
Good job, I think it looks great ! A little issue on the long fish when the cross contour line direction change. I had the same difficulty in my attempts. I guess the curve need to go slowly flatter until it is almost straight and then go back to a curve the other way. I try to think about it like 4 point perspective. Hopefully it helps :)
Fabian Ayala
Been busy so this was all I could do before the deadline but I will upload more soon.
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julien Gaumet
Great job ! These look good ! Please share some other trials with more challenging subjects ;)
julien Gaumet
Hopefully I am still in time to submit ! It felt difficult to me when the cross contour line direction change. I have to make one of them straight and loose the 3D feeling. I have also tried to put everything together with line weight, gesture and shape design. Please let me know what you think about it :) In any case, I am very happy with it ! I remember previous lessons with the snail, sea lions etc. I feel way more comfortable drawing new animals than before ! I took many online drawing lesson but this one is the one that show the most improvement, I guess I needed some drawing basics 😅
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julien Gaumet
Here is my attempt ! Not happy with all of them (the first ones are upper left and the one in the middle). As I got warmed up I felt better. I even tried a twisted torso :) This perspective chapter is getting less painful for my brain and I think I feel an improvement ! 😃
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julien Gaumet
Hello everyone ! I don't find the ressources on this course (photo reference he is talking about for the assignments). Do you guys know where it is ? Thank you for your help :)
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julien Gaumet
Hi everyone, Here is a personal project I've worked on last week. I have tried to focus on gesture, shape design and line quality while leaving complex anatomy aside (difficult with such a big guy 😅) I chose to remove some details (hands for example). The pose still feel static to me even if I tried to push it as far as I could. I am however quite happy with the line quality (line weight variation, confident lines...) and the shape design. Please let me know what you think about it ! I post the final watercolor as well, if you have any experience in painting, feel free to let me know what you think about it as well. Thank you guys ! See you !
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julien Gaumet
Here is my attempts on this exercise. I found it difficult to place the boxes, especially the biggest part which twist a little bit. Feedback more than welcome 🙏
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julien Gaumet
Third attempt, but on paper this time ;) My brain is getting stronger on this ! I feel a clear improvement but still not perfect. Please let me know what you think :)
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julien Gaumet
Hey everyone ! Second attempt for this exercise. My first attempt was too challenging so I decided to trace over the pictures. With the help of some critiques more than welcome, I think I understood a little better even if it is still very difficult ! At least my boxes look like boxes this time ! 😅 Please let me know your opinion if it fit the pictures or not and if the perspective is right. Thanks !
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julien Gaumet
Hi everyone ! After few attempts on paper, it felt so difficult I chose trying tracing over pictures first. Even like this it was quite a challenge. I did all the picture this way but posted only a few. As the picture number grew, I felt a little more confident. Please let me know if it feels right to you. On most picture, it was really difficult to find convergence between the lines because I was really influenced by parts on the face. When I switched my mind into “cross contour” mode, it helped in my opinion. Waiting for your opinion on these and I’ll try again on paper without pictures underneath ! Thank you guys for your help !
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julien Gaumet
5 minutes each, I’ve tried several approach : starting with a gesture, an envelope and boxes. The two first felt more natural to me, sometimes unnatural but the box approach feels very stiff to me. Please let me know if you have any advice and feedbacks =)
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Here's a go on my living room! Honestly more fun than it seems like it should be... my problem honestly was doing the horizontal/verticals more often it feels like - without the direct target of the vanishing point they seem more nebulous. Didn't get too detailed (and ignore the ceiling fan plz >_>) but any critique would be great!
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julien Gaumet
Great work ! Very clean ! indeed your horizontal and vertical lines are not very straight ! I felt the same. After turning my sketchbook so many times, I feel I am loosing the horizontal and vertical 😅 Your blue horizon line might help with that ! I'll try :)
Here is a kitchen with an impractical sink. (Level 1) I wasn't too creative with the sink, just stuck it in the corner. This assignment was difficult without a ruler. My lines are way off of being straight or plumb. I'm off to work on the level 2 assignment.
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julien Gaumet
Hey ! The perspective feels a bit off but the drawing is really nice ! I love the mood ! I think you should mark your vanishing point and draw each line all the way to it (like the warm up exercise connecting two point). You can do it lightly and then, at the end, come back with a pen or a darker pencil on the line you want to keep. The final drawing might looks a bit messy and less nice than this one but it can be a first step to help you having straight line and a more accurate perspective. But please keep the mood of your drawing ! I love it ;)
julien Gaumet
My two first attempts on the same room. I was on the couch, may be not the best way to achieve accuracy and straight line but I am still quite happy with the result and I found it quite relaxing :) The weird placed sink is there on the floor on the first drawing ;) I am struggling with the length of lines going away from me to get a normal ration width/height/depth. Also connecting corners to the vanishing point when they are far away from each other is quite challenging ! If you have any advice on these point or any other critiques, please let me know ! I'll definitely draw others (and post them this time 😅)
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Scott Diesing
Practiced head/neck/shoulders like crazy. Then did ten or so torsos. Then found out I don't have room for legs and arms. :) Need to buy some large paper.
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julien Gaumet
Hi ! I think you're may be too focus on the contour. You should try to draw longer line, removing most detail and then erase them a little bit and coming back to add smaller details on top (or using tracing paper). Concerning the composition (having a torso to big and don't have enough space for the legs), this is what helped me a lot : At the very beginning, drawing a very simple envelope (like on the picture attached, done on the phone quickly) I might measure it a little bit (height/width ratio this kind of thing). And then I'll draw within this envelope . Hopefully it helps ! :)
Ben S
Asked for help
I really got behind this summer and have just caught back up, first post since May. My lines are a little bit sloppy as I’ve been trying to use the overhand grip.
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julien Gaumet
Hi ! Welcome back with us then ! Experimenting new ways to draw or even new tool is a nice way to add variety in our every day practice and can sometimes help to stay motivated (at least for me). Concerning your submission, your line sometimes look a bit too bold, I think you should sharpen your pencil a bit more often when you draw. You definitely have nice gesture ! Good job. I think you should pay attention to shape design, some arms have a bit the "snowman effect" (upper 5th drawing arm for example) I hope it helps ! Keep drawing with us ;)
Steven Wolf
This was a very rewarding assignment for me. I had to figure out how I wanted to go about doing the rhythm based gestures, as there are many options there. I tried different things and slowly figured stuff out, and at the end I feel like I have a workable method that produces acceptable results. I feel pretty good about my work here. They are neither as good as I had hoped, nor as bad as I had feared. I like looking at them. Doing these has giving me a lot of confidence, and makes me feel more determined to get good at gesture drawings. I can’t wait to see how good I get after working on this for the next year! I know there are still a lot of room for improvement, but I feel like I just need time and effort to work that stuff out. Really, Stan, I have to thank you. A few years ago, when I realized that I would need to get good at drawing gestures to achieve my art goals, I kind of stalled out, with frustration, and slowed down with my drawing, because I had such a hard time understanding how to even go about gesture on my own. I have been studying it ever since, but still struggling to do it well enough. I got to where I felt I understood what other artist were doing, but still had trouble doing it on my own. I feel like this course has taught me some of the missing ingredients that has finally helped me get over that last hurdle. Instead of getting bummed out about the struggle and the result of my gesture drawings, I feel really enthusiastic now. I’m finally at a place where I can work on gesture and have fun with it and get good enough results to make me want to keep working on it. Which means that I will work on it much more, and improve much faster, and that feels so great! Instead of dreading doing gesture, I am really looking forward to doing the next one! I’m so happy!
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julien Gaumet
Hey ! These are really good ! What were you struggling with ? These poses look dynamic, not stiff, I don't find any straight but it does not feel spaghetti. I really like it ! Good job !
julien Gaumet
Here are some of my attempts ! I am quite happy with the result because my proportions used to be all over the place on this kind of drawing and I feel quite an improvement ! What do you guys think ? I have also tried to find a balance between gestural curves and structure with straights. It did not work on every pose I think. Please let me know your feedbacks on these topics :)
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julien Gaumet
This is great ! I find gesture quite difficult, even if I get your point with "energy" and stuff. I always feel like "yeah but this pose is quite specific, I don't see energy because it is just lying down" Having many examples is helping a lot ! Can't wait to make other attempts on this exercise !
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Sinéad Erin
Hey everyone! Here is my level one submission. I found this challenging so I sketched them a few times, any feedback is appreciated! :)
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julien Gaumet
Hey ! This is great job again ! I think your line quality helps a lot to make your drawing dynamic ! And your shapes are really well designed ! I especially like the first and the third poses you've drawn. One thing you might need to consider is how you want the eye of the viewer to flow and being aware of the focal point of your drawing. For example, on the first drawing the tail area is very well designed and interesting but I feel it "lock" the eye a little bit as it is the most interesting part (was it in purpose ?) On the 6th drawing, a bit the same, the tail is well designed but I feel it break the global flow of your drawing. I hope it helps ! 😀
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