Ben S
Ben S
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HELP PLEASE. I've watched this first video a million times, but w/out the full plotting to the VP on the right side cabinet, I can't get the inside of that cabinet. Then when adding refrigerator, I can't make the sides line up w/ inside corners of cabinets. What am I missing? Sounds very easy rectangle on the wall & plot it forward. Why isn't this working? Thank you for your responses
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Ben S
In the picture on the right it looks like you have the front and back of the right hand cabinet running to the vanishing point when they should be vertical and the top and bottom corners should run to the vanishing point.
Ben S
Some rooms in one point perspective and a deer I drew from a photo playing with my new fountain pen. I know I am too heavy handed and need to lighten up on my lines. I left most of the construction lines and didn’t really finish the drawings. I also found this very difficult to make look nice and clean without a straight edge.
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Post after a long while! I did inktober so haven't been here alot. Also inktober over so have had time to go to draw at nature museum. Plus bonus trooper ar cinema next to museum.
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Ben S
Nice work! I’ve wanted to go to the local zoo to draw but I’m too chicken
Are there any good books that go into the Depths of "mathematical Precision" of Perspectiv? I would like tom know what that looks like.
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Ben S
I’m not an expert on perspective but I’ve found this to be a very good book. There is also a volume 2 which I haven’t picked up yet but definitely will.
Ben S
Asked for help
I really got behind this summer and have just caught back up, first post since May. My lines are a little bit sloppy as I’ve been trying to use the overhand grip.
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Ben S
The three artists I studied were Carl Rungius, Rembrandt, and Glenn Vilppu. One thing I noticed was that I seem to be losing focus by the end of my drawings and my line consistency is almost like I am a different person by the end of the drawing and the end doesn’t match the beginning.
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Ben S
Top - hierarchy of importance, Bottom - shadows and light
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Santiago Nieto
I found the penguin somewhat harder than the others so I had to try more times. I drew the hand much faster than the other references. I am enjoying the course.
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Ben S
Really like your penguins
Ben S
My level 2, maybe more of combining 2 images rather than drawing from imagination but I’m very happy how it turned out.
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Ben S
Level 1, 2nd time through. I’m still having trouble not leaving enough room on the page.
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