Its difficult remembering which muscles belong on the lateral and medial sides, and had a bit of trouble placing the ridge muscles in poses with an extended arm. Also decided not to focus on the individual muscles within the 3 groups just yet. Learned a lot from this lesson :) any feedback is welcome!
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This one was hard to get my head around with the different angles. I’m confused as to what the section in #4 is (shaded in yellow)?
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Enjoyed this one! The positioning and visibility of the brachialis still confuses me a little. Any feedback is welcome :)
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Im not so confident with the posterior head or the size of the lateral head here
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i made the finger bones too thick😅
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Found it difficult to find the bony landmark of the radius
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Upper back muscles. Had difficulty with showing the squash/stretch and where it inserted in the spine. As well as when the rhomboid showed through.
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Woohoo done! I can see that I’ve come a long way since i started doing proko which is very exciting. I think i had a little trouble showing the form of the erector spinae properly, and positioning the scapula.
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Shoulder muscles - first on skelly, then on/based on reference, then from imagination
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Torso full drawing! I’m not really satisfied with the shading but it’s difficult to pinpoint why. The arm muscles are also off but thats alright! I’ll learn more about them in the future lessons :) used graphite pencils of different hardness (B, 2B, 6B)
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Obliques pt 2 - made more sense as i went along
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obliques part 1
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On checking out other submissions and the example videos.. maybe I was wrong to assume this was meant to be quick sketch 😅 Regardless here’s my gesture drawings - I did take a bit of extra time to focus on the form of the breasts
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i wasn’t really sure if i was attaching it to the correct part on the humerus, and had a nit more trouble putting them on skelly when the arms were stretched out.
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Shoulder bones
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Rib cage. Really difficult! I feel like i had a lot of mistakes adding up in each one but I tried my best :) had trouble seeing where the skeleton actually was in the model, and alao with the proportions
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Pelvis. Really difficult! Particularly had trouble with drawing the back side of the pelvis.
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Buckets! I found it hard to tell whether i was making ellipse buckets or circular buckets, especially in the different perspectives.
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