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Melanie Scearce
I really love your second two interpretations of the monkey's pose, very fun. The cross contours do get a bit muddy and hard to read, although I can tell you are getting the idea in particular areas like the tail and on the squirrel. See if you can tighten up those cross contours!
My attempt on the exercise, Found really hard to understand the how the "vertical" lines across the form goes when it starts twitching especially on the more extreme ones (the snkae, 6, G, H, I). Seems like the lines didnt have a place to go. at the end i think they look correct but if I failed something tell me. also would like to try cross countering "twisting" animals but didnt find great photos if someone knows here to find them I apreciate it.
my assigment, tried to make a dog and gave up, maybe tomorrow it will happen
I think the first one has dog vibes even before reading what you put! What do you think went wrong?
Andrea Böhm
Wow - a complete scene! It is so difficult to draw all the different vanishing points in such a way that they form one scene. And you did it!
my lvl 1 exercises later gona do the tanks
Cal Stanback
Oh wow good jobs fam
Dan Stevens
These are awesome! I love the idea of a road paver and street sweeper.
Gannon Beck
Patrick Bosworth
Nice work! I really like the perspective and exaggeration in 118, nice use of line weight too!
Here my assignment.
done with the assigment, time to watch the demo to see. im not really sure if I was just drawing the countors or the planes, maybe will make anothers more simplified to really try to focus on that (letters are the order I made the exercises)
I think you handled the plane changes quite well to be honest! And great to see you self-reviewing by plotting the box in the reference itself, I think that's the best way to check yourself. There's still soe room to improve, I think the foreshortened lady looking down is the hardest of the bunch, and you may have seen some angles in the box that might not have been there. Great work!
My level 2 attempt. The lines connect to vanishing point make chaos...So you can see the perspective of my third stair is weird. hmmm....I would appreciate for some feedback and suggestions for how to keep lines clean. Thank you. ( and I will do this again later.)
one interesting about stair if you trace a line in between the edges of the stairs you have 2 parellel lines
I always struggle with fitting objects to composition. I spend a lot of time at the beginning stages moving vanishing points back and forth trying to make the character in the right place in the composition, and also large enough that I can show details, make some other object look far in the distance while at the same time trying to fit it on the page and not make any of that look odd :D
your lines are not converging to the vanishing poit, I could be wrong but it problably happen because you where messing with the position off the point in the beginning was you where figuring out the compositon, and where to many things to juggle at the same time for now. one solution is to do a first pass more focused composition, and a second correting the perspetive but composition is not the focus of the exercise. anyways I figured out a point I think makes sense and corrected the perspetive so you can see.
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