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Weird…. when I draw, without using a grid, I feel like there’s something inside that enables me to see the way it’s supposed to be. When I put a grid down, I spend so much time trying to get it just right that I start to get confused because of the lines, very strange… I worked on this for a long time. On the drawing/painting that I’m working on, I wanted to make sure that I got the perspective correctly because I wanted to see if I should look down from above, or straight at it in the scene. Here’s the books I put together…. however, books are squares, not a tree or a horse, for example, so that’s when it gets a little sketchy for me. Going to keep working on it.
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I realize that this takes a lot of focus, and working it out slowly.
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I feel like I should have taken these a bit farther, now that I look at it…
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I had a great time with this….helped me really focus on drawing and creating and gave me the push I always seem to need to finish and not give up when it seems daunting to me.
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Just finished doing a master study on Norman Rockwells kid sitting on a stump. I’ve always liked the way his work is so detailed, and it seems simple. Until, of course, I started drawing it, and realized how difficult it really was. I had a lot of fun doing it, but I realized my proportions were off a bit, so I spent most of my effort as instructed, to focus on line work and shading. Definitely not an easy task.
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This took me probably longer than I was supposed to take… probably an hour, apparently I can’t help myself. But I gotta say… I am so not into shoe laces…
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First attempt before demo. After watching the demo, I realized I should’ve used probably a 4B to darken the core area. Definitely will keep that in mind when I do future drawings.
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Attempt at first assignment
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