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Peter Haller
added comment inHow to Draw Gesture – Step by Step
Asked for help
Hi there. About two years ago I started this great course and I never neglected gesture drawing ☺️ Here are some actual ones

Maan these are soo great!! Congrats on getting this far and on having stayed this disciplined over time! May I ask what's the average time limit for these poses and whether you did these from life or photo reference? Also please keep posting stuff like this these are veery inspiring to everyone here I think :DD
Grüße aus München :)

John Harper
Wow, just wow.
Robert Adams
Dayuum! These look great!
Dylan Gabriel
these look incredible. Not sure there is much to say here except if you're someone focused on gesture all of Mike Mattesis Force courses/books are really good.
James Paris
I love them, well done !

this is so good <3
Asked for help
Hello, here I painted after Court's great paintings to get familiar with the process. I am still very uncomfortable without using lines if you just draw all the time. But it feels better every time I paint sketch. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you.
Asked for help
Here is my try on Bill Nye and Joel. I am ok with the likeness. I see some structural problems but these will be resolved with the abstraction I hope :-). What do you think about this rough sketches? Thanks in advance.
Asked for help
Hi, I love this course <3 Here are my first tries with my best thumbnails, rough sketch, and the great abstraction on top. Critiques are welcome.
Peter Haller
Asked for help
Hello. Here is my second try on Yoni. Thanks in advance for the critique. Have a great day
The shading looks good but there's a lot of outlining going on! Also I think some neck muscles are missing.
As a beginner the only critique I can give is that to my untrained eye his right hand (the one closest to the camera) looks kinda stiff and unnatural. Maybe redesign the pose a bit when that happens?
Hello all. I layed in my next longer drawing and I thought I share it here. After establishing proportions and gesture I added structure and at this state it's almost a mannequin 🤖🦾🦿
I love the geometry of your mannerization! Really impressive, keep it up! :)
Peter Haller
Asked for help
Hello together. Here is my version of "the tank" 😃 I have been drawing seriously now for 6 month and focused mainly on head and figure drawing. I am enjoying the process. At this point I want to say thank you to @Stan Prokopenko for all the amazing and fun content.
I intentionally exaggerated the anatomy here which was fun 💪😃 I know there is a lot to improve. Anyways I am going to do some more drawings of this style and would appreciate any critique. What should I focus on more the next time? Thanks in advance. Have a great day.
I agree with Nicole, both on the good qualities and on suggestions. The range of value contrast is really nice. I'd suggest the legs look like they need to be longer, and the center of balance is off; the weight of the torso is convincing, but too far to the left of the legs, so it seems to float in the left space rather than being supported by the legs beneath it.
Hi Peter, great job on the drawing! It has a good light and shadow distinction and great shading for the anatomical structure. I also like how the background is treated with the same effort such that the whole drawing looks complete. Very attention to detail! Below are a few suggestions.
- Blend out the core shadow and figure outline, or use the pencil in a way that it doesn't produce harsh outline
- Proportion of the body needs to be adjusted a bit. For example, the width of shoulder, size of hip, and size/length of the lower body.
- More gradual transition of the half tone value when shading.
Hope that helps!
Peter Haller
Asked for help
Hello guys. Here are some of my sketches on the Abs. Feedback would be great. Thank you. Have a great day.
Hi @Peter Haller, I think these are beatiful! Very nice caligraphy and gesture!
I noticed some things that might help:
- First image, drawing to the right: Since these are studies with focus on anatomy, I think it would be nice to lightly indicate the attachments, outline and tendinous intersections of the abs.
- 2nd image, drawing to the right, the abs feel too big, as if they are falling out to the right.
- In some of your drawings the second row of abs feel too large. In the idealized design Stan presents, the distance between the furrows gradually gets longer as you move down.
Your first drawing had none of these issues and looks so awesome I don´t dare to say anything about it!
I hope this helps :)
Hi Peter, I love your gesture lines, figure designs and cross hatching lines. Below are some quick suggestions:
- Try to blend out the core shadows a bit more. Currently there's a sharp transition from core shadows to surroundings.
- Core shadows and their chest muscles are a bit round in some figures in the first two photos. A more angular/less round design will make the chests look more muscular and harmonize better with the muscular abs.
- Some of the ab muscles could be reduced in size to harmonize better with the size of the body.
Hope that helps!
Peter Haller
Asked for help
Here are some eyes I tried after Stan's. Critiques welcome. Have a nice day ✏️
Proportionally these eyes are ok. I must commend you also for practicing different kind of eyes.
The things that bothers in this are the values and edge. The edges are too hard and I don't see any half tone in the light. It's mainly a value of white.
So organize better your values. Think what are your light halftones 1 and 2, your highlights, your shadows and core shadow and also think which transitions are soft and which are hard. And use that information to better design your shapes.
Best regards