Activity Feed
Sandra Süsser
Question: In 3D the Z-Axis is up and down (here displayed as Y). Why is it different here? This is kinda confusing.
depending on the software you're using at the moment....Maya has Y for up and down But Unreal has Z. Not sure what software is in your screen (i'm assuming Blender) but it's not a rule in 3d softwares. In math the Y is always the up and down in the cartesian Plane...
Mr. Renso
Day 14. I drew everything in the last two weeks. From an ugly house to a weird cat. I wanted to end this challenge on a high note, something to remind me of my capabilities. Tomorrow I am continuing the lessons as normal. I wish everyone the best. Have a nice one!
uuhh jin roh...some old school good stuff...great job!
Day 15 I'm at the airport waiting to go see my parents No internet, no place to put down reference, The only thing I have is the picture of the measurements lesson on my phone…tried to do a portrait without measurements, and this is the best I can manage. It’s all wrong but it could be way worse I guess..
day 14: back to the birds. today i discovered that i have no patience for feathers....i like this one, i'm start to get pleased and not frustrated at the end of a session....
Oliver Wan
wow, looks really good! Good luck with the rest of the course
this was so satisfying, the most relaxed i've ever been while drawing....
Day 13: using measurement tecniques, i'm getting better at proportion. still struggling with clean line and decisive stroke motion, especially in procreate. keep changing brushes and i can't find one that actually feels good to me....if anyone has suggestions i'm all ears
Had to erase and measure almost everything 3 times....took me more than 2 hours but i think is in a good place now, shame for the very light pencil lines...
Day 12: i wanted to combine the shape class with the measuring proportion class, so i use those methods on a boxy reference....
didn't go all the way into small details....
day 11: busy day at work and at home...so i've made a 10 min outline ....and i've forgot a fin on the back, ugh....
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