Monika Tafelska
Monika Tafelska
Monika Tafelska
 All feedback is appreciated ! <3
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Monika Tafelska
Before demo. I don't think this is my time to draw things from my imagination, but it was really fun experience. All feedback is appreciated <3
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Monika Tafelska
Before demo. With the girl and the penguin, I was really stressed out, and I gave up drawing for a month. With Spider-hand, I tried to relax and not think about the end result. All feedback is appreciated <3
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Monika Tafelska
Hi! This is my 2nd attempts after watching the demo. I'm quite happy with the results.
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Monika Tafelska
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Monika Tafelska
First attempts before demo! It was really hard for me not to focus on the details, but only on the form ;-; I'm quite happy with the shoes, but this snail isn't the best.
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Monika Tafelska
Hi i just finished my pear but I feel like there's something I could improve. it's my first attempt at this project.
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