Chico, CA
Hands. 2 attempts before demo.
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Tried again after Stan’s demo. Tried to only use tapered sketchy lines and not worry about finished results. I find it hard to taper my lines at the beginning. I can flick the end to taper but it’s hard to start w a taper. Anyone having luck with it. I’ve been warming up by filling a page trying to taper my lines.
2 penguins. I found it hard to get his head correct. I’ll watch demo and try again.
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Tried again after demo. Trying to keep in mind that the purpose is to sketch with tapered lines and not a complete drawing.
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Monika Tafelska
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Hi Monika! You have a very strong sense of form. I this digital or pen? Nice work!
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Then watched the demo but didn’t copy. I tried to do it from what I learned. I tried to keep two shadow values and three lights. I found it very difficult to create the two light Half-tones. It’s hard to create simplified shapes without drawing darker outlines. I’ll keep practicing.
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I tried this without watching Stan’s demo.
Second attempt following Stan’s demo.
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Your use of value is very good. When you look at each feature in its own you can see how well you are drawing what you see. You have a natural talent for being able to catch the nuances that bring the characteristics into view. I am certain that once you practice the proportions of the face you will see improvement by leaps and bounds. I’m looking forward to seeing your progression. Don’t give up! Have you considered trying to draw this upside down to use you strengths and it will trick your brain out of outing facial featUrea where you think they should be versus where they are. Keep going.
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this is great! You can see you followed the instructions to stick to sharp edges and find 5 values. Maybe on your next attempt add the 5 values on the page for reference to check yourself.
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Great first attempt. It is very challenging to find edges in a soft gradation. So don’t be hard on yourself. Getting out the pencil is already a win. Keep going. Try squinting your eyes to get the pear a little out of focus to help the different values pop out more. Hope it helps.
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added a new topic
Pear #1
First attempt. Critiques welcome 🙏
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