hi guys did this study of Josh Blacks Tai Lung drawings. Would love a critique on them. I quite struggled with them but it was super fund to do. Hope you had fun with this exercise as well.
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Second attempt following Stan’s demo.
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hi momino the good old pear exercise. did you buy the basics course? one thing to always do is to upload the reference image, so the ones who critique don't have to search for pictures. as for the image, i really like both of them. you can clearly see the edges and on the second one you can really see that you can draw quite clean lines. i would say just keep going you're on a great way. the only thing is to practice laying down flat shading. keep going, your doing great!
hi euphony i really like your gesture drawings, love the one on the first page in the right corner. most was already said by martha so i'm not gonna add much. the only thing i would love to see would be the reference images. it's great that you're drawing again! drawing after such a long time takes courage. keep going :D
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Hi, would love a critique on my study of Joshua Black and his Tai Lung drawing. I struggled quite a bit on it. I used the overhand and tripod grip with a pencil. Josh has a really interesting style and his drawings always look really dynamic. Love that about his art. If anyone knows a good way to get pictures from instagram that...don't look like pixel gloop please let me know.
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The right picture is the level 1 and the one on the left is level 2. I found it really challenging. i'm not farmiliar with lighting and where to place shadows but i hope you like it. would love a critique on it :D
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Here is my hierarchy of importance exercise. would love a critique on it. This exercise was quite out of my comfort zone, but i quite enjoyed it.
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The proko basics course and this course, both for beginners! what a treat. I'm glad that there is more focus on beginner courses. Really hyped for this course.
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Welcome to the course, hope you enjoy it!
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Hi, I would love a critique. Btw, the proportions of skelly were not inentional, but it looks funny.
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Did the Snail and Boots, I would love a critique on it. P.s Why are the boots soooo hard
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added a new topic
Bot Problem
Hi guys I've encountered the first bot on the site here and i saw that there ist no report or such button on the site. how do you report them?
I would love one as well, but managing a big server is really hard. as for art centric servers, maybe join the draw a box server or the alex huneycut one or maybe the server of some art youtubers like scott christian sava.
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Asked for help
hi, i'm quite new to figure drawing and would love a critique on my figures. i used the website line of action so i can't upload the pictures i used as reference. hope you have a nice day!
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i noticed that there is no perspective category and i think that one should be added. Now that the basics course starts with it's perspective section it would be the perfect moment to add it.
Hi I did the lessons up to lesson 6 with official critiques of draw a box. Btw I didn't go to art school so I can't really tell you if they go over such things or not. But well I do have my share of experience with draw a box. Right now I'm finding exercises and much more to help me studie, because I had the same problem with draw a box as you have. I don't recommend just to try to tough it out, but to take your time with it and maybe take breaks from it if you need it. I would recommend you to go on marshall vandruffs website and buy his old perspective course. It is old....really old and it shows in the video quality but still a treasure trove of knowlege. As for exercises well mashall once did a stream....you can find it also on his website and it's a free video. there were 3 exercises that I found really good. here is the link for his coure: https://marshallart.com/SHOP/all-products/all-videos/1994-perspective-drawing-series/ and here is the link for the exercises: https://marshallart.com/SHOP/all-products/all-videos/drawing-forum-and-qa-lessons-in-perspective-recorded-webinar/
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Hey I think it would be easier helping you if we would know what kind of drawings you want to make. Draw a Box is quite a hard start and I recommend everybody to do the first two lessons. Having clean lines is really important. If you want you can send me the first two lessons I did draw a box til lesson 6 and had official critiques. Draw a box covers the topics of penmenship, 3 dimensionality and observation. I think the first one is quite well done and the first two lessons are awesome exercises. For thr 3 dimensionality part I personaly don't think it is handled great but you might be a person that really gets the lessons there. As for observation well....I'm not a fan of what they did. It's basically just "look closely". Figure drawing is also a good starting point. Stan has a great cours on it but if you don't want to spend money right now than either watch the yt vids from stan or a great recours is Love life drawing in yt. Please tell my what kind of drawing/painting you like these are such complex things to learn and can get overwhelming very quickly.
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Izak van Langevelde
Study formal perspective long enough for it to become intuitive.
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Hi What do you mean with formal perspective? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. I don't know all important terms yet.
Peter Anton
Have you studied 1st and 2nd point perspective yet? Intuitive perspective (I am guessing that means approximating perspetive without calculating it mathematically) comes after you understand the basic principles. If you are just trying to fake the knowledge, it probably won't look right. Marshall Vandruff's perspective video on his website is great. It's old and bad production value but really good. Feel free to send me your art if you want an outside opinion on what to work on
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Hi I've studied 1,2 and 3 point perspective quite a lot. 1 point is no problem. But 2 and 3 point I struggle with, when the vanishing points are not on my page. I still prefer drawing traditionally so I always loose track of where the points are. I turn the page so my lines are smoother and due to that my head just really struggles keeping them at the same places in my mind. I forgot that Marshall had a perspective course on his website. Personaly I don't mind old videos or such. So thanks for recommending it. Would love to send you some of my work though I don't draw much right now. I'll send you some when I start studying perspective. Thank you for your help.
It's funny, but I had originally meant to post here to recommend Draw A Box and how they do the intuitive perspective with boxes (I forget which lesson it was), where you try to draw your lines going toward the vanishing point, but don't use a ruler until you're checking them later. To be honest, that exercise ended up helping me a lot. I'm still a beginner myself, but one other tip I saw someone mention in a youtube video a while ago was to look on Google Street View and find a random place (or just Google Images) and then put the image into a graphics program and try to trace where the perspective lines are for each building or item. (Alternately, I suppose you could print it and do the same.) The person who posted the video said that it really helped them a lot to get a "feel" for perspective. I've been meaning to try it out myself also.
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Hi Thanks for your response! I remeber the that DaB exercise and it is quite a good one. Though it only really helps with one point perspective. But the Google Street View one sounds so genius.
Hi I need some help learning intuitive perspective. I really don't know how to go about it or where to even start learning it. I did draw a box up to the sixth lesson. With every lesson i grew more frustrated and confused, I asked some in the community but nothing really helped me understand. Now i think it's because of the method they use in DaB. What kind of exercises would you recommend me? Do you know some good videos?
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