Brooklyn, NY
Some 30 sec poses with a pen (at work)
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Some 2 min gestures with a pen
Tamir Bahar
A more practice sketches I did while watching this demo (it was hard for me to watch in one go - so these spanned over multiple days). It's fun to try and apply the things I learned from the demo to my own drawing.
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Really nice shapes and line quality in the gazelle and elephant!
Hi, would love a critique on my study of Joshua Black and his Tai Lung drawing. I struggled quite a bit on it. I used the overhand and tripod grip with a pencil. Josh has a really interesting style and his drawings always look really dynamic. Love that about his art. If anyone knows a good way to get pictures from instagram that...don't look like pixel gloop please let me know.
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This looks great! I can tell you really tried to copy the line quality of Joshua Black, and your pose captures the dynamics pretty well. To improve, I would focus on some of the details, making sure that each line you place on your paper has the same weight and shape. For example, you're missing some of the darker strokes in the front leg and foot, and the tail as well. The gesture line that runs through the midline/spine is also a bit off. If you notice, in the original the line runs through the middle of the back and curves to the right, while in yours, the gesture line cuts to the left, and it skews the pose a bit. Lastly, knowing when to use the overhand vs tripod grip will help clean up the lines. For example, where you see a crisp thin line, I would use a tripod grip. Where there are thicker, tapering strokes I would use the overhand grip. I hope this helps! I think you did a really nice job with this study. For images, I usually just screenshot then crop the photo and it shouldn't come out pixilated.
After going through some of the shape lessons as well, I’m surprised to come back to this lesson feeling some improvement. Line study after Aaron Blaise
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Finding this style of lines very challenging, along with the technique of using the side of the pencil. Learned a lot from trying something different and exposing a technical area that needs a lot of practice.
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Another De La Torre, very difficult to imitate the lines in this one as they look like a combination of brush strokes and bleeding graffiti lines.
When it comes to things with many lines together, in particular when they're thick or not well defined lines, I find myself anxious and impatient, like the hair in both figures above. So I try to get the general feel of it down, although in doing so I create lines that are too identical and not interesting. That plus my lack of skill with the overhand grip/side of the pencil makes for some poor drawings. Looking forward to improving in this area. I have greatly enjoyed implementing the knowledge from this course so far into master studies.
Patrick Bosworth
Catching up with a quick study of Roberto De La Torre's Conan ink. 4b graphite on cheap-o printer paper (I need to prioritize my sketchbook more, the printer paper texture started fighting me toward the end.) Can't wait to do a bunch more of these, love Roberto's brush work! I really got a lot out of trying to replicate brush lines with graphite.
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my favorite part of all this is the hair, it looks like silk threads woven together.
Following along with the demo, done only with an "H" graphite pencil. Focused on getting the general feel of the piece and tried to simplify some areas and shapes, particularly around the mouth and teeth because they felt too complex. Also, of course, focusing on getting the right line quality, using different aspects of the pencil. A very fun experience!
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Master study of Sorie Kim. Please excuse the lines jutting out from the other side of the page.
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Drew these from observation instead of tracing. Don't feel like I did the shadow hierarchy for the second drawing correctly. Maybe I should have chosen an image with more contrast in lighting (image from another user posting in the drawing from observation thread).
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Had an easier time being light and loose with the lines, more in line with the assignment
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Following along with the demo
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Styrbjörn Andersson
Level 1, part 1 of the CSI assignment. I'll do the shoes next. Feedback greatly appreciated!
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this is excellent!
I realize that I chose to add in some smaller lines but I hope the details I selected to include don't take away from the assignment. Having difficulty with proportions. I used the length of the head to scale the rest of the figure.
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Level 1 assignments. The snail was much easier for me than the boots, perhaps because the lines were clear and the C and S shapes prominent. The laces in the boots were difficult to grasp and added some element of chaos so I focused on the contour and getting the proportions and perspective correct, using mostly (my attempt at ) gesture lines for the laces. It was difficult to not get bogged down in the details, but the boots look like boots, which for me means that I understood the assignment. Looking forward to the demo videos to see where I can do better.
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Took the instructions about clear lines a bit too literally in the top pear. Bottom pear is after the demo lesson. Lots to think about with the simple instructions.
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