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Luis Fidalgo
added comment inProject - Cross Contour on Organic Forms
Asked for help
These are my attempts , i'm liking a lot the concept
Luis Fidalgo
I'm not sure that i get what flow and rhythm is supposed to mean , for what i've understood , it looks like a simplification and then exageration of the most distinguisable parts of the form , but i feel that isn't right .
I would appreciate a hand
Luis Fidalgo
Asked for help
Hi , i enjoyed a lot the project , but i´m not sure that I understand what is and what isn't a simple shape , so any feedback will be appreciated
Luis Fidalgo
Asked for help
Had difficulty trying to mantain the shape overall , and when i tried to do the skull i had no clue how to begin doing it and got lost after the first lines , so i changed that one for a bird