Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo
For the last day, I wanted to do some drawings of Psylocke
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Juan Pablo
These are my structure drawings for day 11.
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Juan Pablo
This is my attempt for day 10.
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Juan Pablo
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Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo
These are my attempts for day 8.
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Juan Pablo
Hey, these are my attempts for today.
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Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo
These are my attempts for day 7.
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Juan Pablo
These are my two warriors for today.
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Juan Pablo
These are my attempts for today.
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Juan Pablo
The initial head layins
Juan Pablo
Hey these are some hands I drew for day 3
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Juan Pablo
These are my Mermaids of day 2.
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Juan Pablo
I took photos again, this time with day light.
Juan Pablo
These are my attempts. Good luck to everyone!!
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