On the Journey of setting free the Artist in my Soul
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Maria Bygrove
added comment inProject - Rhythms
Asked for help
Ugh, haven't done any of that since the 12 Days of Proko and it shows. I really should find time to practice rhythms more often. And line quality. But how does one do it since there are soooo many things to practice?

great! You made soooo much progress since I am following you, love your work and your passion
After this rich journey with Patrick, I have now created my own fantasy figure. As I drew, the story took shape, which is another new fantastic approach I learned in this course.
Once again my warmest thanks @Patrick Jones
and thanks to @Proko for those amazing Reference bundles
Dumped in the mud and castaway,
A young girl finds herself discovering,
What wonderful powers she was covering -
A delicate creature but she could array
Her beautiful wings, as if to say
"A soiled body and a broken mind,
Cannot cause injury enough to grind,
A woman's spirit and her dragon heart -
They give me wings so that I may
Soar high and fly far far away"
my dearest niece Maia Helmbold has expressed my story so wonderfully in these lyrics
This is absolutely amazing! Love the idea, the execution, seeing the process. And the wings are rendered beautifully. It's perfect how the back wing is sort of only hinted at. Just wow!
And what medium did you use in the final drawing?
Anton Bastov
I am done, and I am exhausted. Took the entire course in one week. Very happy with the last piece. I learned a lot from it about how to actually finish the drawing. It's always very hard to think of what to add after the initial structure sketch. The detailing in this final lesson is fantastic - it feels much more finished and alive without feeling over-detailed, like it doesn't have every strand of hair drawn detail, but the atmosphere, the ornaments, the stylistic choices, the background add so much more than strands of hair ever would.
This last lesson felt pretty fast, somewhat hard to follow, I think it took me 1.5 hours instead of 1, with all the pauses and rewinds when trying to look at what @Patrick Jones was doing and then focusing on replicating the same.
Thank you so much for the podcasty feel, definitely calmed me down, as I felt quite nervous going into the last piece - something about it being the last piece added the pressure of wanting it to be good and not messing up. All the suggestions really helped with not feeling as anxious about my work, and it was awesome to see how you managed to fix and change pretty major parts of the artwork.
Here are my final pieces - the one from the previous lesson, the final one, and my small SFW variation, as I plan to share it with friends who might not be ready for the nudity.
Thank you SOOOOO MUCH for this course, it was phenomenal - I'll be rewatching it a few more times to really digest all the information.
What a wonderfull and inspiring journey with Patrick. I enjoyed every moment and soaked up all his strokes and words. I still have a long way to go and I look forward to every little bit of progress. I did‘t feel ready for this „last“ drawing and needed a lot of scetching and three attempts before finally I decided to finish this one.
@patrickjones Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are a true inspiration!
Fantastic work! This figure is incredibly fluid and well rendered. I'm hoping to take Patrick's course sometime this year. It looks amazing.
I enjoyed and loved every moment of the creation of this drawing, even though I am totally dissatisfied with the result - it turned out even worse than the previous exercises, it lacks balance, subtlety, harmony and magic. So at one point I decided to leave it as it is. Nevertheless, dealing with all the hurdles and missteps, and more so with the philosophical background and the wisdom of creating art so wonderfully conveyed by Patrick takes me a small step further every time. Many thanks for that!
at a fairly early stage I realized something was wrong with the abdomen, I thought I could fix it and kept drawing. I think I went too fast for darker tones and couldn't intervene. Even though I see all the mistakes, I’m still happy because I trained my hand and eye, learned a lot and hope I don't make the same mistakes again.
Anton Bastov
Thank you for the demonstration. It was somewhat hard to follow the anatomy explanation while also trying to keep up with the drawing process. Will probably need to rewatch to absorb the anatomy stuff a bit better.
This course is just wonderful! Watching and listening while drawing - it almost puts me in a meditative state. The result of my first drawing is secondary, as I enjoyed the process incredibly. Thank you for these revelations