John Daniels
John Daniels
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John Daniels
I did 20 boxes before I realized that I was not really mimicking a torso from imagination. So I did 4 more that more more torso like. Also did all 18 of the models Those are numbered 1-18.
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John Daniels
I redid 4 of them from the previous assignment and the new 20 portraits (those are numbered). After reviewing the critiques I am still a little lost on the neck angle. I just can't "see" what you are basing the angle on or what landmarks (or implied landmarks) you are referring.
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John Daniels
Level One: I drew a bunch of cottages with varying results. - Top left: Tried to get a cottage with an exploded roof and second floor and imploded first floor. Didn't turn out well - Top Right: Stretched, tapered, leaning cottage. Liked how this one turned out. - Bottom Left: Curved house. I erase this one so much I damaged the paper :( - Bottom Right: twisted house. I think I did well with this but it took quiet a few prep lines to get even this good. Intuitive perspective with basic shapes is hard! Level Two: Instructions unclear, end up with a Barn in a African Boabab tree :) - Tried to keep the perspective of lookup up consistent in the forms and the over laps, but its hard. - Couldn't quiet figure out the canopy so I left it minimal which is disjointed with the rest of the drawing. - Intuitive perspective with organic shapes is VERY HARD!
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John Daniels
I picked 6 of the images I knew where not being used as examples (just so I didn't try and just remember the "right" way to do things).
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John Daniels
Shame I didn't have as much time for this as I usually do, but I either get it in now or not at all. Chances are am coming back to this one because it seems like it would be fun. Tried to do more perspective stuff with the top and bottom one (the bottom one was based off the references. I should have done the same with the right one. I though that having it more neutral might make it easier but having almost zero depth was almost harder than the "extreme self angle".
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John Daniels
I think I did better with the ginger than either the animals or the blobs. The blobs just aren't working out the way I want (this was the best of the 3 pages I did) they feel too flat, like I'm not getting the depth with the cross contours. The shark was ok. I tried the make the cross contours fit the shape that I was seeing of the shark instead of JUST being ellipses. Should have stuck with ellipses first. The snake was a challenge, but I felt I ALMOST got it, just need to figure out how the identify transitions of directions of the body better before.
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John Daniels
Going to get this in early for level one because I think I am going to have a very busy this week. I have the 3 steps (blobbing, refining, finishing). I do have to say though...kind of like a draw-a-bunch-of-boxes exercise, this feel more like a warmup. I just can't use this a more of a warmup of generic exercise unless I trying to draw...something. If I have the time I'll try level 2 either from pure imagination (HA!) or likely from some kind of reference.
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John Daniels
Alright I was able to get a little time to hammer "something" out for lesson 2. This feels MUCH better. Even though I kind of bombed the actual forms (its been a while sine I have have tried to thing of the human body as boxes), I can see what needs to be done here and how I might practice. Only wish I could do this when I had more than 20 minutes of time. Still have I submitted, so have at it.
John Daniels
MY one and only attempt (very busy with work this week). Based the SUV around the boxiest vehicle I know. The Honda Element. The spare tie on the back and the moon sink are part of an optional package :) I am REALLY having trouble constructing a cube or even a rectangle with a single squared faced in 3D. I tried to look at cubes in real life and even did some print out of a transparent 3D cube out of blender and tried to practice, but it didn't seem to help. Given that making a square for the wheel to sit in KIND OF essential for this project, advise would be appreciated.
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John Daniels
No my best work. Between overlapping 3d boxes, trying to figure out the landmarks on the fingers to base those boxes on I just ended up making a mess.
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John Daniels
My level 1 submission. Portrait numbers are circled above each set. This was suffering. I just can't see the mapping from the 3d box to the 2d portrait. I had to end up relying some draw overs and little woodel model cube to give myself a snowball's chance.
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