JooYoung Choi
JooYoung Choi
Spring, Texas
toni le
Hi guys :) this is my first attempt to the feet lession… some critics?
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JooYoung Choi
You’ve got a beautiful hand! I haven’t taken this course yet, but if I am understanding it right, I found the adjustments made between the bottom blocking drawing and the final foot rather impressive. Do you find the blocking method helpful to understand what you are drawing? I’ve always had trouble translating what I see into blocks since my drawings often end up stiff and rigid. But I see how dynamic your feet ended up… very inspiring!
Ash Chung
Just some practice...
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JooYoung Choi
Wow those are awesome! Have you ever held a clear ruler or piece of plexiglass glass when taking your reference photos? It might be a nice way to see what the hand is doing behind the fret board :)
JooYoung Choi
Learning a lot from the videos, I also like working out and lifting weights, and it is neat noticing all the muscles and names from my work out videos connecting to the vocabulary you are sharing :)
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JooYoung Choi
The lesson was so incredibly helpful :)
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JooYoung Choi
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JooYoung Choi
Just sharing to remain accountable and consistent, loving this course :)
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JooYoung Choi
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