Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Siv Nilsen
Not sure I'm being accurate enough as I feel I put the circles down randomly (or maybe it's intuitively?)
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
I think you would gain putting attention on your cross contour ends and not being too lazy with them as Stan says in his video. It looks better, when you suggest the beginning of the turn behind than stopping with a sharp edge on or close to the contour
Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
I started this exercise with the ninja mantis with which I had fun trying to curl the antennae. The drunk elephant was fun more because I liked creating this unbalanced gesture than because of difficulty of the cross contours. I didn’t draw big enough to be able to do a clean j9b of the cranium. Doing the elephant ears, I thought about a third subject: drapery with cross contours but no shading
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Not a great fan of tanks but still tried one. Actually when I was studying the topic, I realised that the real level 1 cars are the Flintstone kind of cars. A slight upgrade would be an articulated Flintstone car. I actually believe a real car if it is moving is a real level 2 topic: you have to draw 4 different cylinders with their centres being properly in perspective. interesting also I found was drawing a bottle with its label: quite a few different ellipses to figure out and align properly.
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Trying another one, more ambitious, with cylinders going along every axis. One thing I struggled with is how to join the chimney cylinders to the engine cylinder - could someone please help? Also, I feel like the perspective is too drastic and it makes the whole thing distorted. Should I have put the vanishing points further away?
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Great work on the intersection of the 2 cylinders which is not obvious. I would have tried to continue slightly the line instead of having a sharp stop on the vertical line; kind of ghosting the continuation like for all other ellipses
Johannes Schiehsl
i love trucks - i constructed a generic semi with saddle. I don't love tanks too much tho. They are way too present these days for my taste. May they all rust in peace soon.
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Same here regarding tanks
Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Much more difficult than I expected. Had to redo and fiddle a lot. And this level 2 is even more fun
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This was a good challenge. Here is my assignment + warmup
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Pretty cool. When I looked at your attempt at model 2 my impression was that the face was too flat, that the eyes where on the same plane as the nose, instead of being in a recess as they should be. I noticed that you have correctly indicated the plane bellow the brow ridge and the plane of the cheek bone but somehow didn’t manage to put the eye in the right place. I believe this is because you didn’t capture properly the planes needed to show the nose on top of those 2 planes and ended up putting the right eye too far on the right. Final comment the mouth is a cylinder or in the context of this exercices a box on top of the face plane. Rather than long text, I have tried to Illustrate my point with a sketch on top of yours automatically when you construct things that way, you will avoid the mistake mentioned in the other comment of having the left eye too big
Hello! Here are my attempts: I initially drew the box on paper, but I wasn’t satisfied with the results. I also attempted level 2, but as you can see from my drawing, I only completed one because it looked strange. When compared to Proko’s work, mine is completely incorrect. I’m not sure how to improve it; perhaps the issue lies in the perspective of the box? Consequently, I’ve decided to return to practicing the fundamentals by doing some tracing on my iPad.
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Dear Vin, i think you are on the right track with your drawings and really need to focus on identifying where are the cube’s faces on the model. I see nothing really wrong on your attempt at model 1, you can just continue trying to add step by step extra volumes. This is where digital is really helpful because it is easier to keep things clean. I have tried quick on top of your drawing to show what I mean. i am less convinced by your tracing because although they look cool because they show very nice line quality shapes on top of the picture, they actually lack accuracy regarding where the plane changes are. I have tried again in red to add on top of one of your tracings where I see the plane changes. i hope this helps a bit
Good evening, here are my submissions.
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
I find your portraits pretty successful but my understanding was that the goal was not ti put a box around a portrait but rather to stylize a portrait with linear volumes that show the perspective of the head volume. key lines contour lines like brow line and eye to too if ear are not visible on your drawings.
Dennis Yeary
Here I did both level 1 and two for the first 8
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Looks good indeed. I have 2 comments though: 1. pencil and paper is fantastic but your work would benefit from more attention on how it is digitized. Not everybody can afford a scanner which helps a lot but there are ways of taking photos and reworking them that help the viewer get a proper feel for what you really did. I even believe there were videos from Stan explaining that long time ago. 2. regarding model 5. You did a great job capturing the extreme perspective. I think the lower part of the face can be represented with 2 volumes on top of each other instead of one as you did. The first one corresponds to the upper jaw; the second one to the rest of the bottom
Hi everyone! My submissions for level 1 and 2.
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Looks great! Very week thought through construction. I believe on 15 you could suggest better the intersection of the bottom of the chin with the neck with an S curve instead of a C as you currently have. At least on the left side, the curvature of the intersection should be same as that of the chin
Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Here are my level 1 and level 2 assignment works that I did over past days. I believed level 1 would be super easy but I have to admit I caught myself being fooled by the jaw line Stan mentioned in the video. How did I notice? Do I see the top of the head or not… I also decided to add some kind of a cylinder for the neck and a suggestion of the ear to help readability. Level 2 was more of a challenge and I struggled starting with the cube. I then recalled Loomis a replaced the truncated sphere with a box and then I figured out how to get something satisfactory I think. I focused mainly on the unusual poses; main reason: there are less features to draw 😂. On model 7 my first attempt ended up in rounded shapes for the beard that I still find more convincing than the linear ones I put in blue in my second attempt where I tried to stick to straight lines
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Here are my sketches for today. I actually enjoyed the forth shortened poses as they are a challenge to position correctly but they are also a good opportunity to exaggerate and dramatise the pauses with caring too much about proportions. 2 A3 sheets ne t to each other for the photo
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
I kind of drew along the live stream on larger formats than I usually use paper doesn’t fit in the scanner so excuse the poor quality of the photo
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Started with a bunch of 4min sketches and while doing that found a pose I really like, so I tested some materials and did a final drawing with a fineliner and brush pen.
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Very nice pen and ink piece
Samantha Maggard
I have not finished this yet. Want to work on it more tomorrow. Got kids waiting for dinner. This is charcoal on newsprint. Does anyone know if you have to have it in by the end of the day or do we have till the end of 12 the days?
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Nice job but be careful checking the alignment of eyes, bottom of nose and mouth.
Dan Stevens
~ 1 hour sketch, procreate w charcoal brush
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
too rarely seen from my point of view: a digital painting that looks like traditional art and doesn’t fall in some kind of caricatural over polished and uniformity trap
Kim Mullen
Oooh! A favorite subject! I’ve already purchased this pack. Today I used pan pastel and charcoal for something different. I’ve also added a wizard I did in my sketchbook yesterday for fun!
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
I specially like the scary look of the beard guy. Very nicely done On the lady, I find the tonal transitions on the face too brutal which makes the final piece look a bit unfinished
Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Challenge i took up was to use new tools and I actually took two: Procreate and the Zorn palette. On the first portrait I did, I believe I did my mid tones with too strong values which gives this impression of carve out plus I believe I could of out slightly more saturation in my light flesh tones. On the second, I really had fun playing with the tool; trying to work on both the painting and the composition trying to make the face the focus point
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Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Had fun with this one today. I started with the eyes followed by mouths only before going for the full heads. For the mouths, I had the feeling adding the « fixed” nose helped the readibility
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