Been drawing since March of 2022 and I am here to pass my limits and to become the GREATEST ARTIST OF ALL TIME. YOU WILL SOON KNOW THE NAME VAGABOND!!
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So I tried to do a hallway to a spaceship I do think I work big to small with this guy but I still think I could of done better on that front. I liked to think the perspective is better and more interesting then my first 2 attempts but any feedback on that front would be great. I struggled when I had to add more stuff to it and I wasn't really sure what should be included and where it should be place so that's why it's really messy. I am going to do another one and I am probably going to look at more photo references to help me out.Any other feedback would be a big help.
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Did 2 rooms with photo reference was much harder then I thought it was going to be. I feel like I have the idea of the lines converging to one point down but I feel like my horizontal and vertical lines are off any feedback on this would be really cool. Also I kept it really basic for now I think it would be cool to come back and change the setting and eye level once I get some feedback and watch the demo.
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Decided to come back and practice this lesson again. I think I did better then my first go around but am still struggled with the Buffalo
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Ben Cayton
I know this assignment was specified to only measure the eyes, mouth, and nose on the subject used… I went a little overboard on this one and decided to do a full render. I realize there are many problems with this piece, but I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve learned enough from this one and need to let it go. Any critique is appreciated. I know he’s got a turkey neck, btw. ;)
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Really like the blue you used for the background really makes me really feel like getting fired at work and starting a underground fight club.
Still not perfect with the proportions but I think I am making progress with them in small sort of step ways lol
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Another batch of gesture/Rhythm drawings I did this week. Was only able to do it once this week but as long as I have something it's better then nothing :)
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Prettyyyyy coooool
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Another batch of rhythm drawings I think I am starting to get the hang of it but I think I need some feedback on what I am missing here any feedback would be great
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I think my what I am struggling with the most with this project is keeping things in proportion while also still trying to obtain that rhythm that Stan talked about. I would say the legs/arms in particular where the hardest part of the body to draw so feedback on how to draw better legs/arms would be GREAT. I was also wondering if would be a good idea to practice just doing leg/arm rhythms by themselves or should I just keep doing the whole body???
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