loes roos
loes roos
panama, mariato
Drawing since I was young, MSc biology, continued drawing, did courses to improve techniques. Mostly into scientific and nature related illustration
Johannes "Hanes" Schiehsl
Excuse me Mr. Teacher .. didn't you tell us to make it in 3 point perspective? Also ... why do I feel like the proportions of your boxes are a bit ... wonky? ^^
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loes roos
Definitely harder in 3 point perspective. I was trying but ended up doing mostly 2 point...
loes roos
Good critique. Definitely needs a lot of technical practice! But I belief I am at least understanding the theory of it!
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loes roos
Admitting that while proko talks in the demo and I am trying to draw, I am not paying enough attention. I get the principle but my do I find it hard. That these ellipses change so much... depending on their perspective. I shall need to practice way more cilinders and ellipes... not sure I want to do more tanks. In 2 point I kind of make it work, but the 3 point adds just another layer of complication... but now I hope to get a few more insights from the critiques...
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loes roos
After months of being on top of it, the high season in the hotel made me lag behind. And the topic of cars and tanks for cylinders is something very far out of my comfort zone. I decided to scribble along and do a few, all before seeing the demonstration... I hope to do more after the demonstration... not at all happy with it, the wheels look flat at the bottom... complicated stuff if you never really studied cars. I am the kind of person that does not recognize any brand of car really.
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Aaron Smith
After Bill Watterson, Dave Dorman and Heinrich Kley
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loes roos
Interesting artist studies. With the Dave Dorman I miss the darkest darks in your version.
Josh Archer
Gonna have to do a lot more shrooms! :)
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loes roos
And when you do, try and vary their angle... Let them look up or down or from the back or topview... to keep it interesting
loes roos
I never before learnt before about this weird way that the long axis does not need to be in the middel and that the short ellipse axis goes parallel to the vanishing point... very cool!!! But it does work... I will need to experiment with that! And that only with a perfect circle both axes are through the center and are equal... very interesting!
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loes roos
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Rachel Kellogg
I struggle to see gesture lines, especially when it comes to figure drawing. The cylindrical shape of the seals helped. Would love feedback!
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loes roos
Indeed Melanie is right. I think your focus is too much on the contour lines of the seal rather than on the gesture. A gesture line can also be seen as a line of action and can be for example roughly following the backbone in some poses... Or a particularly strong curve that can be exaggerated even more. Your drawings are more based on structure. With strong base lines that are perfect straights. The drawings are not bad though.
So I feel pretty comfortable with the simplified one, two, and three point perspective with simple boxes that have parallel sides and 90 degree corners. Will this course go further into more complex shapes? Like what if the box twists as it recedes or tapers as it comes toward you or curves?
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loes roos
It already did a bit... look at the comments Johannes S. did a whole bunch... plus a link....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcpkeIiTMCk
loes roos
I do not know whose hand it is, but it is way more flexible than my own hand! Great demo with the gesture before. Good lesson! Definitely did not give enough attention to the boxes!
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Scott Diesing
Deadline: Submit by 1/15/2024 for a chance to be in the critique video! ??? I love time travel, but I'm not very good at it.
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loes roos
Up to today 22 2 ...
So glad I finally caught up with the course to get a potential critique! Here are my level 1 submissions for this assignment. I wasn't quite sure where and if the boxes should be connected for the knuckles so I experimented with both. I also thought it would be fun to add my hand drawing from the "Learning to sketch from observation" assignment as well just to show how much I've improved in just a few months of this course. This has been a great course so far!
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loes roos
Look at the difference with the first hand exercise... These box hands look so much more 3 D and integrated!
I really enjoyed doing this exercice, don't know if i did it right but at least i really enjoyed drawing this hand
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loes roos
This looks good to me. I see you also taper the boxes to the tip of the fingers...
When looking at other boxhand drawings in the forum, I see a lot that I didn't consider. Many look drawings look amazing, Being a novice, do I learn from these drawings or wait for the demo and critiques. I know I have to start somewhere but what if I'm learning from incorrect drawings. Am I overthinking on this ? Any feedback would be appreciated.
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loes roos
A lot of artists or wanna be artist fall in the video watching trap... try and do 80% try out and only 20% watching videos to learn... It is hard. Real hard. 50 50 with your time is already a big win. Or 50 drawing, 30 watching videos and 20 being in the community...
Did manipulations such as bending, rounding and twisting of the boxes in order to increase the difficulty and allow me to add better gesture. There where occasions where I could see the left side of a finger segment and at the other end the right side, so I added twisting. I know fingers don't twist unless an external force is applied but I did end up liking how the twisting does add more energy to the fingers.
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loes roos
In a way the bending makes them look better and may seem easier because it is truer to the hand...
Suteja Rao
Hello all.. Submitting my boxes..I found this exercise quite tough and found really difficult to do Level 2..Will wait fo rthe demo to attempt that. Not really satisfied with what I. have done , but I have been labouring on it for 3 days..and this is the best I could do!
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loes roos
me too. Will wait with level 2 after the demo. Also have no time left.
loes roos
Pff in between work and high season a quick box study of the hands. I forgot at first to do the big layout but I do need that. I was drawing boxes but not paying attention to perspective of each box in relation to the other. Not sure that is required. Had fun though. The triangle thing for the thumb throws me off a bit...I also had a big tendency to taper my boxes with the top of the fingers... thinner at the top than at the bottom but then they are no longer true boxes...
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loes roos
A warm up in boxes. I noticed that I am not generally precise when warming up. I usually doodle.. With boxes that feels off. But got warm and post my first level of the hands under the hands...
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loes roos
Interesting. Never really thought about that 4 point as a fisheye view or the rounded lens view. Cool. Worth exploring. But did a few cubes using the Y. I was also not familiar with that technique. I have drawn quite a bit using the isometrics so I forced myself here and there with relatively close imaginary vanishing points. About 20 done... of the 100 plus...
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