Holly Laing
Holly Laing
Creator of the sci-fi webcomic Terra Incognita and Digital Artist.
Activity Feed
Holly Laing
Still getting caught up with the assignments, I chose the intermediate challenge and decided to paint a still life of a tea cup I own. It was challenging to paint as the light kept shifting, but I really enjoyed the process as I don't paint from life very often (though after painting this I will certainly try to make more time for this kind of practice).
Rachel Dawn Owens
Life drawing/painting is where you learn the most. Keep it up 👍
Holly Laing
I decided to try the intermediate challenge (I'm a bit late submitting these, but I'm trying to get caught up now that I have more time to dedicate to my studies). Any feedback/critique is welcome! :)
Holly Laing
Here's my assignment for the biceps, any critique/feedback is welcome! :) 
Looks awesome, @Holly Laing! Careful construction and accurate anatomy. Great work!! One suggestion I'd make (which doesn't concern anatomy directly) would be to avoid using a hasty zig-zaggy pattern when shading with a pencil-like tool, since it can create some "noise" that kind of breaks the realistic design which I believe you were going for. Instead, what I'd recommend would be to try to work with hatching and cross-hatching (something like what @David Finch shows in this video: How to Cross Hatch for Comics - David Finch) or, alternatively, to use a more "painterly" approach and have your shading rely just on broad tone marks (I'm attaching a quick paint-over). Hope this helps!
Holly Laing
Here's my deltoids assignment, I'm very excited to start learning more of the arm muscles. Any feedback/critique is welcome. :)
Holly Laing
Here's my hand bones assignment, I had a lot of fun drawing these. As always, any feedback/critique is welcome.
Great job, @Holly Laing!
Holly Laing
Here's my assignment for the arm bones lesson. This one was definitely a challenge for me, any feedback/critique is always welcome. :)
Holly Laing
Thank you so much for the critique! I haven't really used the curves adjustment layer much in the past, but seeing it applied to the different color ranges was really neat, I'll definitely test that out on future artwork. I notice I almost always have an issue with my shadows being too saturated on my paintings, so the color range selection tool will be very helpful for keeping that in check going forward. Thanks again for another great lesson! 
Holly Laing
I had a lot of fun with this assignment, it was interesting to experiment and see how using different colors and lighting impacted the final result. Keeping everything on separate layers definitely helped expedite the process. I ended up painting something similar to the demo and chose a meadow as a background. I also used various blending modes and adjustment layers to change the lighting on the figure from cool lights/warm shadows to warm lights/cool shadows in order to better reflect the setting. Thanks again for another great lesson!
Holly Laing
Here are my assignments for the neck muscles. I tried to do a few anatomy tracings along with my quick sketches. Any feedback is welcome! :)
Beautiful drawings. Your line quality is really nice too.
Holly Laing
A bit late but I finished my assignment. I followed along with the video and used a similar painting process. I'm fairly happy with the result, though I do think some of the shading (particularly on the fabric in the basket) could be improved, I still have a bit of a hard time getting the image to look as realistic as I'd like. Any feedback would be most appreciated! :)
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