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After a very long time, here are my shaded figures - both in charcoal on newsprint. I followed along with Stan drawing Yoni, and definitely understood the process by the time I was doing my own attempt. However I often jumped from shadow mapping to details and vice versa. I would say that my own attempt took me 10+ hours to finish with much of that spent measuring (my arm was sore for days from holding up the pencil...). One thing I found was that the charcoal powder I used didn't seem to go very dark at all, darkest being the lower half of the figure. My linework and pencil holding technique need work - lines often didn't turn out the way I wanted them to. When doing my own attempt I realised (perhaps too late) that you really don't need much to indicate something, Stan does mention this in one of the lessons but I think it can go much further. I looked into Lane Brown's work with much softer edges and tone, and I think that gave me the will to finish the drawing. I'll go into Stan's portrait course next before the anatomy course, but I want to pump out as many figures as I can! I'm not sure I'll do another fully rendered figure for a long time though (quantity over quality)... Thanks to all the instructors including @Rachel Dawn Owens, @Jesper Axelsson and @Melanie Scearce for your feedback!
So, these took a really long time (probably more than an hour each). Some poses were easy to get the gesture for (like the first example), and others were not so easy (last example). I could definitely keep going with more drawings, but I feel like I haven't made visible progress. I had real difficulties with the shoulder/upper torso, as I just couldn't figure out the perspective of the box and how it goes into the arm. Throughout I tried to keep in mind to soften some of the forms like the torso and pelvis. Still had fun with these (most of the time!) but I've still got a lot of mannequins ahead of me.
Here's my attempt at the Robo Bean. Didn't use charcoal like I did for the Landmarks submission as it just got too messy, so I hope this is better! I have put the drawings/references side by side in order. Had particular difficulty with twisting and foreshortening when following along with Stan's examples, so I included some here. As always critique is most welcomed :)
Here are my few landmark attempts. Struggled to find the scapula on the back reference. Any feedback is very much appreciated!
This excercise definitely took a long time. I found that the less dynamic the pose, the harder it was to make them look 3D. After looking at LOTS of examples, getting the gesture down and many more attempts at the drawings here, here they are! I have also gotten good practice drawing cubes and cylinders by themselves, although applying them to organic forms is a very hard task. Want to revisit this task later on as well. Critique much welcomed :)
Some beans :) Really had trouble with twists - I would add in twist lines for most poses even though they were only slightly twisting. Once I got the hang of it, only my line quality held me back. Would appreciate feedback!
Asked for help
Hi everyone, here's a sample of my 2 minute gestures. Loved doing these, but I'd really like some feedback on how to improve! Thanks :)
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